Apr 20, 2017 07:56
I've had a 'to do' list for every day this week and, so far, I've achieved everything on it!
Today's list:
- Peridians species sheet
- send last years AGM notes to Core Community
- go to Dentist
- pick up card and wrapping paper for husband's birthday
- wash windows
- make tea
- check on ebay watch list
- play some more FFXV
- watch Quantico
I finished W3 the other day and I'm left with mixed feelings. I LOVE Ciri and I'm glad she survived - AND I'm glad she didn't become Empress. I LOVE Cerys and I'm very glad I got her on the throne. In fact, all of the supporting characters are really good.
I like Geralt but I didn't fall in love with him. I hate having so many buttons to deal with and then all the bombs and potions and whatever on top of it. And I hate making decisions, especially ones that result in plagues or general misery for ordinary people.
I thought I had the two DLCs but now I'm not so sure. J suggested checking the 'triggers'. I can get both for £10 in the PSN Easter Sale, which is a VERY good price for two games. I'm just not sure how much I want to continue with this world. But, I do need something to fill the time between now and July!
The 'issues' I have with W3 are the ones I have with all modern games. Just the sheer quantity of things to bear in mind is overwhelming. And I don't like the way the story is broken down into 'quests' - I lose the sense of continuity. And, of course, the decision making. But there is a lot to like - graphics, characters, the depth of the sidequests; it's just all overshadowed by my issues!
I probably will make the purchase - really can't quibble for the price - but I'll check the trigger thing first.
In the meantime, I've restarted FFXV. I'm only playing the main story because I want to see what changes they've made to Chapter 13. Playing that chapter as Gladio is now an option under 'specials' on the menu screen - but I want to play it as Noct first. I've played two sessions and I'm already on Chapter 3. Partly that's because I'm sticking to the main story but also it's because I'm at Level 62! But at this rate I'll have it finished by the end of April.
I now have a nice dress for the husband's birthday do. It's a pale blue, full length, shift dress with abstract flowers printed on it in dark blue, white and green. Not too dressy but not casual, either. It will form part of my work wardrobe after 29 April!
And that's about all for now. Bye LJ!
witcher 3,
decisions decisions,
time off is good for the soul