So, it's been nearly a week because... Yeah, I have no real excuse except that I really don't like getting up in the morning, so when I finally do I don't have time for stuff like LJ. Or writing. Not writing for a week when I'm not officially taking a break is BAD.
We WILL do something about this...
I've also had some church fun and games to sort out, so it hasn't all been facebook, honest! Particularly a baptism that threw a spanner in the works for a contemplative prayer session. And writing to the Provost of St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow, to offer our support.
Oh, and you can hear me speaking about St Bride and the divine feminine
Some progress has been made in Witcher and I've arrived at the Inn at the Crossroads. J suggests not worrying about finding all the question marks as the main game is very long. I think I've been burned by DAO and DAII (no opportunities for grinding) and FFXV (not much story). I'm not a 'I must complete 100%' type but I do like to get the most out of my games. Maybe I'll just get on with the story; presumably I can always come back and do the question marks... Still waiting to fall in love - or not. I suppose the main story would help with that, right?
I've got the Dreamegg from the Moogle Chocobo Carnival. No idea what it is or what it does, but I have it! There is a booster pack coming out on 21 Feb - don't know whether that's free or not. And Episode Gladiolus is out at the end of March, which I will have to pay for because I don't have the Season Pass. Depending on how much it is, I may be tempted to get the SP because Prompto and Ignis get their own episodes, too. And there's other stuff you get with the SP, eg, there was a different outfit for Noctis at the carnival. But I'm currently playing Witcher; am I going to interrupt it for Gladio? If it's short (like the demo) maybe. I could, of course, wait for someone else to post a 'let's play' on YouTube...
Anyway, I have to get going. Bye for now, LJ.