Last night, the teeth at the back of my lower jaw suddenly started aching. No idea what the problem is - there isn't a hole that I can see. I managed to find some paracetamol last night and got some sleep, then the husband dug out the clove oil for me this morning which helped. Mid-afternoon, the toothache was giving me a headache which makes me feel tired and fighting the tiredness makes me feel ill. I was not a happy Rosa. I commissioned the son to buy some Nurofen which worked like magic. But after an hour or so, I began to feel my scalp getting itchy, the way it does when I've taken asprin. I have been allergic to asprin since I gave birth to the son - my skin gets itchy and if I scratch too much gets all lumpy. Yeah, attractive... So, I read the back of the Nurfen box, which says not to be taken by people allergic to asprin. Doh! But a) the stuff really killed the pain and b) the itching wasn't too bad (possibly because I only took one), so I'm going to take another one tonight because I need to sleep.
I have looked up a city centre dentist that is open early and late and even on Saturday mornings, so I'm going to give them a ring on Monday and get the problem sorted.
Otherwise, the week was as busy as every other week since Christmas. I am sooo looking forward to my week off in March.
One highlight that is worth mentioning is that we actually closed a project at work! Woo hoo!!! First time within living memory.
I've done a bit of work on Mannerley and finished 'Morning' for the 70x700 project - you can read it
Mother and step-father came down today to tell us all about their trip to Newcastle for their anniversary last week. We'd bought them a glass orchid as it was their 28th anniversary. The husband started a debate with me to show them that husbands and wives can disagree without heading for a divorce. I wish he'd given me some warning, though!
And now he wants me to add an erotic story to 70x700...
Well, that's that. Time for Nurofen, itchy scalp and sleep.