I heard a scary thing today

Apr 26, 2017 03:14

I overheard two students talking on the train. One of them said she didn't like Math class because there was too much stuff to memorize.
"You idiot," I thought "You hardly have to remember anything if you understand a few basic rules. But I bet you don't even realise there's anything there to under-" The girl was still talking. "Wait, what?!"
Apparently, her Math teacher does, in fact, expect the students to memorize things rather than try to understand them. The girl had actually lost points on an exam for answering a question in her own words.
"Management," I thought "Ever since they found a way to avoid letting actual mathematicians teach their students -" But then I realized that they might not be Management students after all. First of all they had got on the train before the station closest to the Economics and Management part of the campus. Then I heard one of them mention two or three different programing languages and the other one said something about Physics and Mechanics lectures. A few details from their conversation seemed scarily familiar. That couldn't possibly be right, could it? Could they be from the Polytechnic? Is there someone there who teaches Mathematics like this? How are they getting away with this? Exactly how doomed are we?

argh, random thoughts

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