this might just be the nyquil talking, but i think i love you all.

Nov 17, 2010 18:05

I am a sniffly cold person with a sniffly cold, so I stole this old fic meme from eponymous_rose. And then I sneezed on it. The end.

Gosh. What an exciting story.

1. Which is your favorite fic?

This is tough. I’ve tried recently to reread some of my old favorites, like Incurable and Do I Twist, Do I Fold, but now all I can see in those stories are the things I’d do differently if I wrote them today. So I’ll say that The Goose Girl is my current favorite, because it was ambitious and out of my comfort zone and I’m very pleased with the end product. And it’s the most recent thing I’ve posted.

2. Which is your best-received fic?

Either But Broken Lights or The Rather Odd Couple, I think. The first chapter of Possibilities, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bananas also has a surprisingly high number of comments.

I have a theory about this, actually. I think I generally write a fic for one of two reasons:

Reason One: Because - as a fan of the source material - I feel a pressing need to explain or expand or continue something I’ve just seen. This is, basically, writing the fic I want to read. But Broken Lights, The Rather Odd Couple, Humans, Incurable, and Component Parts were all written to process my fannish response to canon.

Reason Two: Because - as someone who’s learning to tell stories - I want to take a world and characters I know well and twist them in new, unfamiliar directions. This is, basically, me playing mad scientist with canon, whether I realize it at the time or not. This explains stories like the Amor Mundi series (particularly Of Monsters), Dead Things, The Devil You Know, The Goose Girl, and The Anatomist, a Sherlock story I’m working on now.

In a contest between these two categories, I’m pretty sure reason one will always, always get a stronger response from my fellow fans than reason two. And that makes perfect sense to me - The Rather Odd Couple was the fic I needed after the emotional torment that was Journey’s End (a torment that I continued to work through with Devil You Know and Tomorrow Is a Long Time) and it’s not surprising that I’m not the only one who felt that way.

But as time goes on, satisfying my fannish soul has become less important to me than silencing my inner mad scientist. To be perfectly honest, it makes me feel a bit out of touch with fandom, and a bit…irrelevant as a fic writer. I loved series five of Doctor Who, but I never really felt the need to write fic for it. I adore Sherlock (oh, that Sherlock. He’s so hot right now) but I’m writing an epic Molly Moriarty AU instead of John/Sherlock fic. I’m…out of the loop. Tragically unhip.

Oh god. Are you guys going to stop eating lunch with me?

3. Which is your worst-received fic?

I know there have been a few stories that were answered with the sound of crickets, but I can’t think of any in particular at the moment. The first few chapters of The Goose Girl only got one or two comments each, but then, it is a 25,000 word gen fic about a minor/original character in a fandom I’d never written in before, so I wasn’t exactly surprised.

4. Which is your angsty-est fic?

I was going to say The Boy Who Killed Time (The Last Love Song Remix) because, you know, end of the universe, but upon further reflection I’ve decided that Of Monsters is a lot angstier. Which is worrying.

5. Which is your funniest fic?

Hard to say - I am constantly amusing myself, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m being funny. I’ve written a few humor fics in my time, but I still think some of the best jokes I’ve written are in The Devil You Know. Which is worrying.

6. Smuttiest?

Toss up between The Devil You Know and Tomorrow Is a Long Time, which as far as I recall are the only two with anything like explicit sex.

7. Fluffiest?

Oh, so much fluff. Let’s say Fisticuffs, because there isn’t a serious bone in that fic’s body. If it had a body. Which it doesn’t.

8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?

I CERTAINLY HOPE SO. It’s only my mission in life.

9. Which fic frustrates you the most?

As all of them probably isn’t an acceptable answer, I’ll say the still-untitled socialite!Rose Tyler AU. I was going to have Rose and the Master get married and rule the world together; it would've been horrible repulsive traumatizing awesome.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?

Good Night, I think. I really enjoy writing dreams, the wackier the better.

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?

Is Bess from The Goose Girl an OC? I’m never sure. If not, let’s say Hasan Uhura from Component Parts.

12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?

Used to be, a oneshot 1,000 to 2,000 word fic was my perfect length. These days I’m proud of myself if I can keep the word count under 10,000.

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?

I actually think I used to do a pretty decent Tenth Doctor. His voice came easily most days, even when everyone else was giving me trouble. And I do like a good bit of technobabble.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray?

Well, Sherlock Holmes is making my life pretty frickin’ difficult at the moment. But then, that just him all over, isn’t it?

15. Tag five other authors!

If your age is an odd number and your first name ends in a vowel, I’ve just tagged you.

Take that, suckers.

Also, I'll do that 'answering questions about fic and stuff' meme that's been going around lately. Unless no one has any questions -- in that case, I refuse to answer them.

not fic, geekery

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