"Чем ты вообще думала??" 3/3

Jun 27, 2012 12:42

«Ч е м т ы в о о б щ е д у м а л а??»
© Бермант-Полякова О.В., 2012

Два года назад разрозненных исследований стало столько, что потребовалось оформить их в направление. В Оксфорде стали выпускать новый журнал, на стыке физиологии, нейроэндокринологии, иммунологии, развития и генетики, социальных, эмоциональных и когнитивных процессов, - про достижения МРТ исследований рассказывать смежным специалистам, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/scan/about.html

SCAN will consider research that uses neuroimaging (fMRI, MRI, PET, EEG, MEG), neuropsychological patient studies, animal lesion studies, single-cell recording, pharmacological perturbation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. SCAN will also consider submissions that examine the mediational role of neural processes in linking social phenomena to physiological, neuroendocrine, immunological, developmental, and genetic processes. Additionally, SCAN will publish papers that address issues of mental and physical health as they relate to social and affective processes (e.g., autism, anxiety disorders, depression, stress, effects of child rearing) as long as cognitive neuroscience methods are used. Finally, although SCAN aims to publish the best cutting edge research, its goal is also to be accessible to social scientists who do not themselves use neuroscience techniques. To this end, studies should be described in language that makes their implications for the social sciences clear. Additionally, short reviews will precede some articles in each issue to link the research conceptually to the broader social science issues to which they are relevant.

Американские исследователи на страницах европейского издания опубликовали данные. Выписывайте, «чем думают» амбивалентно-сопротивляющиеся и «чем думают» избегающие о взаимоотношениях, и поразмышляйте на тему того, имеет ли смысл «виноватить» мать за то, что она «давала недостаточно внимания» ребёнку, что он вырос в итоге с «небезопасной» привязанностью - с тем же успехом можно упрекать мать леворукого ребёнка, что он вырос у неё «левшой».

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2012 Feb;7(2):184-92.
Do neural responses to rejection depend on attachment style? An fMRI study.
DeWall CN, Masten CL, Powell C, Combs D, Schurtz DR, Eisenberger NI.
Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0044, USA. nathan.dewall@uky.edu
Social bonds fulfill the basic human need to belong. Being rejected thwarts this basic need, putting bonds with others at risk. Attachment theory suggests that people satisfy their need to belong through different means. Whereas anxious attachment is associated with craving acceptance and showing vigilance to cues that signal possible rejection, avoidant attachment is associated with discomfort with closeness and using avoidant strategies to regulate one's relationships. Given these different styles by which people satisfy their need to belong (that can operate simultaneously within the same individual), responses to social rejection may differ according to these individual differences in attachment anxiety and avoidance. To test this hypothesis, we used neuroimaging techniques to examine how the degree to which people display each of the two attachment dimensions (anxiety and avoidance) uniquely correlated with their neural activity during a simulated experience of social exclusion. Anxious attachment related to heightened activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and anterior insula, regions previously associated with rejection-related distress. In contrast, avoidant attachment related to less activity in these regions. Findings are discussed in terms of the strategies that individuals with varying attachment styles might use to promote maintenance of social bonds.

Если вы с недоверием относитесь к компьютерным методам исследования, вот вам итальянская работа, не наблюдения, которые можно по пальцам пересчитать, а сотни испытуемых, близнецовый метод, классика.

Journal of Personality 2011 Oct;79(5):965-91.
A twin study of attachment style in young adults.
Picardi A, Fagnani C, Nisticò L, Stazi MA.
Mental Health Unit, Center of Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion, Italian National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy. angelo.picardi@iss.it
The relative contribution of genetic and environmental influences to individual differences in attachment security is still incompletely understood. We assessed attachment style with the Experiences in Close Relationships questionnaire in a volunteer sample of 677 twins (43% male) ages 23-24 years drawn from the population-based Italian Twin Register, who belonged to 244 complete pairs (46% monozygotic) and 189 unmatched pairs. Genetic structural equation modeling was performed with the Mx program. Genetic effects accounted for 45% and 36% of individual differences in attachment-related anxiety and avoidance, respectively. Furthermore, the covariation between anxiety and avoidance was found to be mainly due to genetic factors, with heritability of the latent attachment security phenotype estimated at 62%. Unshared environmental factors explained the remaining proportion of variance. Although our findings are best regarded as preliminary given some study limitations, they suggest that both nature and nurture contribute to individual differences in adult attachment.

Из национальной базы данных отобрали 677 близнецов (43% из них мужчины) в возрасте 23-24 лет, поколение ровесников заполнило опросник на типы привязанности. Получены достоверные результаты, 45% для амбивалентно-сопротивляющегося и 36% для избегающего стиля привязанности - генетический эффект, наследственность. Причесать всех людей под одну гребёнку "безопасной привязанности" - утопия и бессмыслица. Принимайте других такими, какие они есть (с)

9 Мастер-класс

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