"Чем ты вообще думала??" 2/3

Jun 27, 2012 12:04

«Ч е м т ы в о о б щ е д у м а л а??»
© Бермант-Полякова О.В., 2012

В Лондоне сравнили данные МРТ 32 взрослых с опросником на стиль привязанности, и обнаружили, что у амбивалентно-сопротивляющихся слой серого вещества потоньше в области anterior temporal pole (передняя височная) и потолще в left lateral orbital gyrus (левая боковая орбитальная извилина):

Human Brain Mapping 2010 Oct;31(10):1482-9.
Attachment style, affective loss and gray matter volume: a voxel-based morphometry study.
Benetti S, McCrory E, Arulanantham S, De Sanctis T, McGuire P, Mechelli A.
Division of Psychological Medicine and Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, London SE5 8AF, United Kingdom.
Early patterns of infant attachment have been shown to be an important influence on adult social behavior. Animal studies suggest that patterns of early attachment influence brain development, contributing to permanent alterations in neural structure; however, there are no previous studies investigating whether differences in attachment style are associated with differences in brain structure in humans. In this study, we used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to examine for the first time the association between attachment style, affective loss (for example, death of a loved one) and gray matter volume in a healthy sample of adults (n = 32). Attachment style was assessed on two dimensions (anxious and avoidant) using the ECR-Revised questionnaire. High attachment-related anxiety was associated with decreased gray matter in the anterior temporal pole and increased gray matter in the left lateral orbital gyrus. A greater number of affective losses was associated with increased gray matter volume in the cerebellum; in this region, however, the impact of affective losses was significantly moderated by the level of attachment-related avoidance. These findings indicate that differences in attachment style are associated with differences in the neural structure of regions implicated in emotion regulation. It is hypothesized that early attachment experience may contribute to structural brain differences associated with attachment style in adulthood; furthermore, these findings point to a neuronal mechanism through which attachment style may mediate individual differences in responses to affective loss.

В Женеве взяли данные по 19 взрослым и провели ту же работу: посмотреть, какие структуры мозга вовлечены в социальную регуляцию, в стиль привязанности и отношения к другим. Добровольцам показывали приятные и неприятные социальные и не связанные с межличностной сферой, сцены. Сцены вызывали эмоциональный отклик, и испытуемых просили эмоционально вовлекаться, обдумывать свой отклик или напрягать мышцы, чтобы его сдержать:
- переживать эмоции, «участвовать естественно» naturally attend (NAT),
- сознательно контролировать эмоции, «мысленно переоценивать» эомциональный отклик cognitively reappraise (REAP),
- сдерживать эмоции, «поведенчески подавлять» эмоциональный отклик behaviorally suppress(ESUP).
Разные люди задействуют разные области мозга для переработки стимулов, связанных с социальной жизнью, если вам интересны подробности, как конкретно называются какие извилины, они ниже:

Social Neuroscience 2011 Dec 12. [Epub ahead of print]
The neural substrates of social emotion perception and regulation are modulated by adult attachment style.
Vrtička P, Bondolfi G, Sander D, Vuilleumier P.
a Swiss Center for Affective Sciences , University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
Adult attachment style (AAS) refers to individual differences in the way people experience and regulate their social relationships and corresponding emotions. Based on developmental and psychological research, it has been hypothesized that avoidant attachment style (AV) entails deactivating strategies in social contexts, whereas anxious attachment style (AX) involves hyper vigilance and up-regulation mechanisms. However, the neural substrates of differences in social emotion regulation associated with AAS have not been systematically investigated.
Here we used fMRI in 19 healthy adults to investigate the effect of AAS on the processing of pleasant or unpleasant social and nonsocial scenes. Participants were asked either to naturally attend (NAT),cognitively reappraise (REAP), or behaviorally suppress (ESUP) their emotional responses.
Avoidantly attached participants showed increased prefrontal and anterior cingulate activation to social negative scenes when making spontaneous emotion judgments. They also exhibited persistent increases in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and left amygdala activity for the same stimuli during reappraisal, as well as additional activation in supplementary motor area and ventral caudate during the suppression of social positive emotions. These results suggest that AV may imply less efficient reappraisal strategies to regulate social negative emotions, and lead to higher conflict or effortful control when suppression cannot be employed.
In contrast, anxiously attached participants showed differential increases in the right amygdala and left parahippocampal cortex for social negative and positive stimuli, respectively, but only when making spontaneous emotion judgments. No effect of AX was found during down-regulation conditions. This suggests heightened arousal to negative information without difficulty in down-regulating emotions through cognitive re-evaluation or suppression. Taken together, these findings reveal for the first time the neural underpinnings of attachment-related differences in social emotion regulation.

Простыми словами: как химический состав крови мало зависит от настроения окружающих людей, так переработка информации, в том числе данных о людях и социальных взаимоотношениях, мало зависит от настроения окружающих и много - от мозговых структур. Молодая мать, которая думает, что её хорошее настроение переделывает головной мозг ребёнка так, что работу по переработке информации начинают делать другие области и совсем иные извилины, преувеличивает свои возможности.


9 Мастер-класс

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