Title: Sentire (9/9)
Author: Ella Jane
Characters: Nine/Rose, Jack
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Series Rating: NC-17
Timeline: AU from The Doctor Dances
A/N: And then we came to the end. :) Thank you all SO MUCH for your brilliant, insightful comments and feedback. After languishing on my hard drive for months on end, finally posting this story was far more
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First, the explanation does work for me. What sells it to me is:
- the Doctor wasn't actually intending to do it, even if he was deliberately being a bit more possessive than normal. Now, I know he told Jack that it was accidental, but that wasn't enough. How many abusers, the morning after, tell their victim that it was an accident, that they're sorry? So I didn't buy that then. I do now.
- he didn't just apologise for invading her mind, he accepted that it was a violation and that he was wrong to leave.
- Rose didn't just roll over and accept his apology; she told him that she was angry with him for not trusting her enough to tell her sooner what his needs were and giving her a chance to meet them.
For all of those reasons, yes, I buy it.
The one thing I don't like (and I'm sure it'll come up in the reaction post) is the exclusion of Jack. I know you spelt out right from the start that this wasn't full OT3 and I know I have no right to complain (so I'm not). I do very much like the way you wrote Jack at the end: still flirty, still teasing, bowing out with good grace. And, yes, I can agree that it's all very much in character and it was nicely done :)
Well done for finishing, and for putting up with all our whinges and demands and commentary as you were posting. I really enjoyed this story, and still believe that the first threesome lovemaking scene is far and away the best OT3-lovemaking I've read in DW fic (another reason why I would have preferred a different outcome, but as I've already said I know that's not what you intended). Excellent work!
And I appreciated all of the whinges and demands and commentary, I really did! Though it helped that the series was finished before I ever started posting it... I think if I had been writing it as I went along, I would have twisted myself inside out to try to make everyone happy, which is well nigh impossible. :)
Thanks so much for all of your feedback!
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