Apr 04, 2007 10:32
Morning, although who knows what time I could get round to posting this at. I’m doing my usual stunt of using word to type it up and it usually takes a while in between pretending to do some work, lol. Nah, I’m just joking, I do do a lot of work during the day, it just takes me a while to get going, lol.
I’ve half of the light purple pocket boarder done… just need to finish it off and that’s another bit completed. I think I’m going to just sew it up and then finish the boarder bits… can’t be having the pin stabbings anymore, I’ve drew enough blood with this thing to be honest, lol. I was in Simpsons yesterday looking at the one that they have made up, trying to see where everything went, and mine is ok looking, its getting there slowly. It has to be ready 2 weeks today. I’m hoping I’ll get it finished over the few days off over Easter. Then I can start something different that doesn’t require sleeves, lol. I did buy a poncho pattern yesterday and I ebayed for the wool for it, and actually bought the right stuff. I got an extra ball just to be on the safe side, but knowing my luck I’ll not have to touch it so I can do something else with it instead. I’m going to make it for Siobhan and once I know how it goes I’ll do one for myself. Short ones with hoods I think, takes up less yarn than the long ones. I’ll see how it goes. I’ve a list of things I want to make and I want them all done now, lol. We have:
o Finish the cardigan
o Finish the bunnies
o Tank top
o Shawl thing for my mum
o Long lacy fingerless gloves
o Knitted baby Sunshine for Ian’s birthday
o Fingerless gloves for Thomas
o Ponchos for Siobhan and me maybe
o Matching hat, scarf and gloves for Siobhan ( promised them months ago, lol)
o Knitted dolls from the Jean Greenhowe books
o Learn to crochet and make lots of crocheted items
So just a few things to keep me going, lol I think I should give up work and just knit for a living, although I’m not that good at it. Ah well, it’ll just have to be an after work hobby.
I wrote a list of things I wanted done by last night. It was a bit extensive, but I did it. I knitted 3 bunny bodies while watching/listening to SG1 and then did a few ribbed rows of the cardigan pocket boarder while watching CSI. I wrapped presents, wrote a letter, wrote a few postcards, hung up some clothes, tidied up a bit and did the eyebrows. Then at midnight, I went to bed. I actually managed to sleep the whole night through, so maybe I should adopt the list and late to bed thing every night so I’m not waking up at Stupid times throughout the night.
Yes, its just dawned on me that the majority of this post is knitting related. Ah well, its what I was doing last night and its my LJ so I guess I can type whatever boring crap I see fit.
Its another 6K today, and it looks like a nice day to go for a dander. No chippy though, ice cream instead maybe if we’re good, lol. I think we’re going to walk further than last time, but I think that we should time ourselves to a certain point where we stop and turn back and maybe next time see if we can push ourselves a bit faster in order to beat our time. What do you think? I need to get a bit of motivation to do something about my weight. I know what I need to do, I just can’t be annoyed. Maybe it’s a mental thing?
The horse riding prices have gone up again - £14/hour. This is the third time since last April that the prices have gone up and I’ve decided that once it hits £15/hour I’m stopping. It’s a bit too expensive for me, and I know its only an extra pound a week but in the past i.e last April it was only £12/hour. Unless I get a significant pay rise then I’m not going to be able to afford the £60/£75 per month… some months have 5 Thursdays you see, and the money that I’d spend for an hour is what I pay PER WEEK for the car park. As much as I like horse riding, I’m afraid its just going to have to go and something cheaper/free is going to have to be put in its place. I know that if I stop the exercise that the riding gives me, then I’ll just balloon and the trousers that have now fitted perfectly due to reduction in thigh size will no longer fit and I’ll have to buy new trousers for work. Any suggestions?
Moving on… there was an email sent round this morning from the meeting the Management Board had on Monday and it can be seen as good news…hopefully. The basic jist is thus: “a number of casual Administrative Officer vacancies will be made substantive” I’m hoping that this means that I can stay, as I am currently a temporary/casual AO.
I think that’s me about done. I could whinge about Thomas buggering off yet again when Siobhan had to go to Beavers and me having to bring her there and back, but I don’t think I will cuz it’ll just end up a brother bashing paragraph.
So… I’m done, back to work… FCO’s to be drafted, F7’s to be completed, lol. Later!
horse riding,