The Three Things I Love (besides people)

Sep 13, 2009 18:00

1.  All things outdoors (especially hiking)
2.  Music
3.  Food and cooking

Depending on my mood, that ordering can change.

My thoughts over the last two days have been centered around #3 on my list - food.  I've had a nagging feeling about buying meats and dairy for a while and have ignored them, not wanting to pay the prices for organic/free range products.  I've made some changes in my milk and egg purchases, but that was more for animal cruelty reasons rather than health.  Last night I watched the documentary "The Future of Food" which I found on  This is a real turning point for me in thinking about what I'm buying and what I want to go into my body.

The essence of the program was the impact of genetic engineering in foods and the patent process involved here in the US.  Scary doesn't even begin to describe it.  I know that buying organic products is more expensive and time consuming, but I think I've finally turned the corner to accept that I NEED to make changes that benefit both the animals and myself.  Doing this in Billings is going to be a challenge, but I'm up for it.

In other, more light-hearted thoughts, my brother is coming to Billings at the end of the month to visit.  I'm hoping the weather is good enough to get back into the Beartooths for camping and a couple peaks.  After being in New Zealand for 9+ months, he came back to his job at the Pelican Brewery in Pacific City, OR.  The hours haven't been great so he's moving to Boulder to rent a room from us for a while.  Scott's excited to have some company while I'm away in Billings and I'm really glad to spend some time with him as he's been away for a while and has a new passion for hiking. 
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