Jul 20, 2009 21:56
I was teasing my brother this evening on the way home from Grandma's. He was pretty pissed off. I don't see why. I was simply reading an article I clipped from a magazine aloud... it was about vaginas... myths debunked... O.o Yeah...hah! He is such a spoil sport... the prudish Eurotophobic... bah. Him and his idiotic fears. Laveraphobic as well. Stupid. Dumb, dumb, dumb. But oh well. He promised me a piece of candy from his night stand while at Grandma's, so when we got home, I took a piece without asking, figuring it wasn't a big deal. I got screamed and cursed at, and smacked in the ankle with a crutch. He got yelled at and smacked by my mother as I stook there holding my ankle crying out of shock. Yeah. I felt like we reverted back to a 3 and 9 year old... what baby shit is this??
I don't get it... but that's life. He still hasn't apologized. This is my family. I am used to it by now, but that doesn't mean I can't complain about it on here.
...ya know... I'm waiting for the day he tries to get a girlfriend. He's gonna be DUMPED. Whiney, immature, asshole that can't take being picked on but dishes ot the pickings like no tomorrow...... pussy.
As for my profanities... they come out when I'm really aggravated... so if you're offended, my mistake...but that is how I feel right now.