May 09, 2008 00:44
Hey everyone,
I've decided to take a wee break from my Iron Man series to write about something a bit more important I think. A friend of mine recently posted on here about his personal beliefs, which I must say I am most thankful for. At first, I was a bit worried how to respond, I don't post on here to start fights, or to bash anyone's way of thinking, just like everyone else, I'm just writing about what I believe and putting it up for anyone to see, and thats exactly what I did. My friend's comment helped me realize that I don't think I've ever been exactly clear on what I believe here on LJ, and that might be something I need to fix.
So I've decided to put my beliefs up on here now, plain and simple, so you know where I stand, and below is my original response...
First I'd like to say I'm glad that you've been reading my entry, and that it has even sparked you to share some of your beliefs as well. I am not afraid to hear others and what they believe, nor would I try to force mine on anyone else. What I see here is a fine example of what I'm trying to do here in my own journal, share what I believe.
Now with that said, I would just like you to keep in mind that while I have no objections to you, or anyone else posting their opinions, I don't want it to turn into some kind of sparring match at the bottom of each entry. The beauty of LJ is that it is a place for each of us to write down what we feel and think for others to see, and if you feel lead, you may consider doing the same thing with your LJ.
But I feel it would be wrong of me to simply end this response here with just that, you have been nice enough to clearly share what you believe and where you stand so I don't misunderstand you, so I will try to do the same as well, I offer my words, and the bible passages to back them up.
I believe that all of humanity (for as good as we try to be) has sinned and fallen short of what we were created for.
Romans 3:23
I believe that sin entered humanity, and not to mention the world, through Adam and Eve, and that with it, came death.
Romans 5:12
I believe that God saved us by His will alone, that it was a gift, and that there is no good deed or amount of good deeds that can do the same.
Ephesians 2:8,9
I believe that in His mercy, He washed away our sins and gave us a new life in His Holy Spirit.
Titus 3:5
I believe that in God's incredible love for us, He sacrificed His only Son to take our place, to take our deserved punishment, and that who ever believes in Him will not perish, but have the eternal life He gave us in return.
John 3:16
I believe that Jesus and His sacrifice are the only way to God and salvation.
John 14:6
I believe that if we try our best to live in God's light, and walk in Christ's footsteps, we will be wiped clean.
1st John 1:7
I believe that you must turn from your sins and repent, or face the punishment that comes with them.
Luke 13:3,5
I believe that if you ask Him, Christ will come into your life and forgive you.
Revelation 3:20
I believe that when you accept Christ's forgiveness, He will make you a new person in Him.
John 1:12
I believe that all of these are the things that God has promised, and that who has ask for His forgivness has it, and who has not, does not have it.
1st John 5:10-13
I believe that in order to grow in understanding and in faith, you must seek out the truth in His word, the bible.
1st Peter 2:2,3
And finally, I believe that it is our duty to spread God's promise of forgiveness and mercy to all who will listen.
2nd Timothy 2:15
Once again, I humbly offer my own beliefs here just as you have offered yours, those last 2 especially are the reason I write on here, taking what I have learned, and trying to share it with anyone who wants to hear it. For me personally, God speaks to me through my love of scifi and other related things, hence this series on Iron Man. If you agree or not is your choice, and I would dare not try to fight you on which of us is "right" or "wrong", so I would hope that you would keep that in mind if you plan to reply in here, or any of my other entries, thanks for reading.