The Invincible Iron Man.....of faith? Part 1

May 07, 2008 00:01

*disclaimer: I highly suggest you see Iron Man before reading, since there will be spoilers.*

"So your a man with everything and yet nothing."

Matthew 16:25-27

Well I would just like to start off this little series by saying thanks for taking the time to read. I don't know what brought you here to this page of mine, but I know God had a hand in it, and I hope that as you read He would speak to you somehow. As a quick little side note on my life, my room flooded again, which is annoying, but I see it as an opportunity to do what I once read in the bible somewhere and praise God in the midst of my troubles. So with that all out of the way, lets get to today's entry, where we will look at Tony Stark, a man with everything and yet nothing, a man living in sin.

Now for those of you who have seen the movie, or have any knowledge of the iron man comics, Tony Stark has quite the life. First off, the man is a genius, one of the smartest people in the marvel universe, a whiz with technology (he built a mini arc reactor for his heart in a cave with a blacksmith's furnace and some missile parts!), owner of the multi-billion dollar company Stark Industries, more money then he knows what to do with, and the status of international celebrity/playboy, and thats BEFORE he became iron man. I don't know about you, but thats a life I wouldn't mind having at times, all that wealth and power at your finger tips, someone with all of that must not have a problem or a care in the world right? Wrong.

Tony's fellow captive Yinsen might have hit the nail on the head perfectly when he called Stark, "a man with everything and yet nothing." and I don't think that could be more true. Even with all of his wealth and power, Tony was still missing something, and was trying to fill it with everything from women to booze, and to great effect as well. Thats kind of how all of us are when it comes to God, we have this feeling that something is missing in our lives, but we just can't put a finger on it, so much like Tony Stark, we try to fill it with whatever we can, but sadly, nothing can ever really fill that particular hole.

Sometimes we aren't even aware that we are missing something, life could be going pretty good, everything could be working out just as you want it to, but just as it happened to Tony, there will come a time when that emptiness comes to the forefront of your life and you must face it. What will you do about it? Try to fill it with anything you can find? Or maybe see what it needs to be filled with? Well, as we'll see over the course of this series, Tony Stark was able to come to his senses and start doing something about it, and with it, he became a superhero. It is my hope and prayer that you might be able to do the same, and with God on your side, become a bit of a superhero yourself...
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