Things have been odd for the last week or two
#1 I broke a tooth and had to wait a week and a half to get it fixed (today- so far, so good).
#2 SKY box not getting signal for over 12 hours or so, then whilst waiting for engineer to call and tell me when they're coming- it sorts itself out and is absolutely fine all weekend. Naturally tonight when I get home it's gone again for 6 hours, then back again. Called for engineer again.
#3 Hip pain then it goes over a day or so. Then last Sunday was in agony all day and limped to work on the Monday and then the doctors, got pain pills, then it subsides- sciatica? Osteopath on Friday pokes and prods and get a massage and then the TENS machine- says a muscle spasm. At least I am walking properly now.
#4 temperature sensor on central heating boiler on the fritz- as in, sometimes hot water or luke warm or cold! Now fixed via British Gas engineer.
#5 due to no reliable water/heating- had to cancel BF's visit over the weekend.
Good news- off to Aged P's this weekend and then the Steampunk exhibition in Oxford Wol's staying over so we can visit a few other Museums- Ashmolean and the Pitt Rivers and maybe a walking tour- assuming none of my limbs fall off in the mean time!
ETA 2nd Dec
#2 a- SKY engineer due Friday!
#6 slipped in the dark in some mud tonight on my way to a work thing at 7pm- skinned palms and knees-I bruise easily, so that'll be fun then....