Note to self - Never ever try to sound intelligent when stressed, tired, and ready to fall off your chair.
All right, folks, this is to clear up the confusion that everyone felt over my last post, linked here: Hopefully I can put this in a way that people understand.
For those who did not ask for the one-shot Christmas challenge I offered, I offer you drabbles instead. Because they are shorter and I will actually be able to complete them.
For those who have all ready asked for one-shot, it WILL be written. It WILL NOT be turned into a drabble, but will be written according to the criteria you have requested. I am offering to write you a drabble IN ADDITION to the one shot, but if you ask for a drabble, it will be written AFTER everyone else's.
For all of you, do not worry about me not having time to finish all of these. They will get done. They absolutely will.
So, if you want a DRABBLE, comment on my last post. If you don't, Santa won't be bringing you anything for Christmas. Santa being myself, of course. :)
Hopefully this cleared up a few things.