And now, moving past the random subject title...
/ So I'm still sick. I've been sick for nearly two weeks now, which sucks so much. I've missed some classes because of it, and ugh. Don't really know what else to say about it, except that I'm surprised my roommates haven't caught it. It's a good thing, tho, so I'm not complaining.
/ There was a big rage today in The Towerlight (my University's newspaper) about a vigil held on September 11. Apparently instead of just remembering that day, the vigil was set up to also remember Hurricane Katrina and the Virginia Tech shooting. People were not happy about that, 'cause they felt that by remembering the other two tragedies, they were neglecting September 11. I don't know what to think about it.
/ Have you guys heard about Chris Crocker? He was on AOL or Yahoo headlines yesterday for making a YouTube video about Britney Spears at the VMAs, crying for people to leave her alone. I watched a lot of his other vids and he is one messed up person. And very stalkerish when it comes to Britney. I mean, I say that I get obsessed with things, but I am so glad I'm not obsessed like that. Watching his videos about Britney are actually scary. His other vids are, too, but geez.
/ Speaking of vids, I can't remember if I posted this or not, so I'm posting it again. It's a vid I made about Peter Petrelli and his relationships with Simone, Nathan, and Claie. I like it, but the editing is definitely a little rough in spots. Still.
You can watch the vid
HERE. :)
(And the vid art has a border, btw.)
/ Also posted a new Peter/Claire fic. It's within the Five Years Gone universe.
You can read it
HERE. Also, I updated Destined - you can read the fourteenth chapter
/ Watched The Illusionist last night. I can understand why people compare it to The Prestige, but, really, they're completely different movies. The Illusionist is more of a romance and has supernatural elements, which I like, but The Prestige is more character driven and is better when it comes to storytelling. The Illusionist was good and I ♥ Edward Norton, but I think The Prestige is a better film.
/ Speaking of Edward Norton, according to IMDB, he and Brad Pitt are starring together in an upcoming film. All I have to say: HELL YES!!! *fangirl squee* *obligatory Fight Club icon*