I HATE being sick. I become so freaking lazy. I set my alarm for about 5:30 this morning and I didn't get out of bed until 8:30. *eyeroll*
You know what else is irritating? I'm a big movie buff, as most of you guys probably know, and my university has a video rental store called Tiger Reels. Last year it was open every day from about 9:00 to 9:00, except for the weekends, when it opened a bit later. I used to rent movies like every day from that place and now they don't open until Tuesday at around 11:00 or so. Grr. I want to rent movies, dammit! Especially since I'm sick. I really wanted to rent The Talented Mr. Ripley and The Machinest, but I can't. I bought two other movies instead: Bring It On: All or Nothing and The Illusionist. They better be good.
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^^ This might be the best video ever.
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^^ Or maybe this one. :D