I got my data off the old harddrive thanks to
cypher386 Thanks man! I've scanned in the pencils of
bramblekite's commission and should have it finished soon. I may have another sale of my steampunk goggles ($60 at Etsy store "archangelarts") in the works.
On the other hand I'm still job hunting, still 41 with my life stuck in neutral, and still fighting occasional bouts of serious, serious depression and self-loathing. Fortunately, the depression isn't at a constant low yet, so I can still function and I do have resumes floating out in the "job'o'sphere" (izzat a word?)
Mostly, though, things are okay except I also seem to have pulled a muscle in my left pinky pretty badly and I'm not sure how I did it. Hurts, I can tell ya that, but I can still type. Odd thing, to pull a muscle in a finger you don't use that much. It's bloody annoying at any rate.