Arrrgh!!! What else is gonna go wrong in my life???!!!!!

Oct 31, 2009 13:31

First I had two expensive car repairs. Then I was told I'm gonna be laid off at work. The hotel from our weekend vacation double-billed me for the room causing overdraft fees on my bank account. Now the bloodydamned external harddrive on my computer is screwing up.


I've salvaged almost all of my artwork from it, but the CD burner was also acting squirrely, so I couldn't back up anything else from that drive to disk. I suppose I should just buy another high capacity hard drive and just mount it inside the damned Mac Mini since it's so picky about the external drive. I just can't spend the extra money to do it, since I don't know when I'm gonna have a new income. That plus the fact that the Mac Mini isn't made to be opened, like the last Mac I had, and upgrading it is a total pain in the ass. Doable, but unnecessarily complicated. I wanted to do more computer artwork to try and market myself for a job I'd actually WANT. I guess the Universe doesn't want me to be happy right now.

I'm alternating between wanting to have a tantrum and break things and just crawling under the bed for the next week to mope.

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