An 'A' student at 52

Aug 18, 2009 12:50

Harvard Summer School officially released its grades today, and I'm happy to report that I got an 'A' in David Malan's CSCI S-75: Building Dynamic, Scalable Websites. That makes three straight 'A's from the Harvard Division of Continuing Education.

This was an intense experience, compressing what's normally a full academic term course into just six weeks. I picked up a lot of useful skills in PHP, XML, JavaScript, and Ajax. For at least the next few days, you can see all of my submitted work at (I'm not sure how long Harvard will keep hosting the site.)

Now I need to decide whether I should try to learn Ruby on Rails on my own, or take Thoughtbot's 3-day intensive course, or sign up for Harvard Extension's fall class, CSCI E-168. I'm leaning toward the Harvard course, but would welcome any comments from people reading this post.
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