Back to school for the summer?

Jun 22, 2009 13:01

Tonight, I'll be attending the first session of Harvard Summer School's CSCI S-75 Building Dynamic, Scalable Websites class. The official course website, , today still seems to be in transition from the Extension School version (a full 4 month academic term) to the Summer School version (just 7 intense weeks).

The class is quite expensive, $2500 plus late registration fees, so I'd better be sure I want it before I register. Fortunately, I have until Thursday to make this decision.

Harvard's Continuing Education division has been good for me in the past. I wouldn't have gotten my most recent job if it weren't for CSCI E-253 Developing Web-Based Database Applications which I took in Spring 2003 (after my last layoff). I also got a lot out of CSCI E-153 Web Development Using XML in Fall 2002, though my skills in that area may have atrophied some from subsequent disuse.
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