Sarah Penfold, Gaddafi and "The Independent".

Nov 06, 2011 17:32

News 24, City Press in South Africa have retracted the statement that Hart Security was or are involved with Libyan affairs. Looking at what little evidence there is one can either say that Hart were or were not the instigators. It all becomes muddier when one hears that South African mercenaries are trying to get Saif al Islam Gaddafi out of the southern part of Libya and probably into Niger. More opaque is the role of ex police commissioner George Fivaz. I do not usually get South African journalists contacting me, nor do flag counters from Azerbaijan (oil rich), Vietnam (ditto), Uganda (near Kenya) or Iraq, nor Langley Virginia. Some folks are sweating. (An Honorary Consulship will buy me off. That, or cash). A.Y. Lebedev's organ "The Independent" coyly did not refer to whether Penfold was being contracted by Hart (links to Blackwater?) Perhaps on my forthcoming visit to England I will do some more research.
copyright C Rehill 2011.

west, ward, africa

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