Tae Kwon Do, Judo and Karate.

Feb 16, 2009 05:36

Seventy percent of Tae Kwon Do relies on kicking and legwork, surely too high a figure to allow TKD to "work", yet it is highly effective, though poomse is quite over-rated. Judo often relies on dori (the attacker) grabbing uki (the defender) before initiating a throw. Kano eliminated the rougher elements in Ju-Jitsu before developing Judo. With Karate one needs to question which form is "best". Gojo-Ryu has its advocates as does Seidokan (popular in Northern Ireland) and Wado Ryu (is it over formalised, with too much renshiki?) Each nation has their favourite and Muay Thai was a major export from Siam. Aikido utilises the concept of "make the circle, enter the circle, break the circle" blending philosophy with a defensive system that relies on the force of the attacker. Kung-Fu came to prominence with Bruce Lee (is he really training an army in China?) The Philippines have escrima but walking about with two batons may lead to unwanted attention. Body size can matter in martial arts, short legs are a disadvantage in TKD. Stocky builds can excel in Judo and Wado Ryu Karate.

independent minds, judo

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