Lucy, Anna and Billy too.

Jan 27, 2009 10:48

To the gym, to aerobics and Lucy gives me her winning smile. I vacillate over asking if she wants to see "Valkyrie". Too late, the opportunity has gone. New girl is there, she is French. I met a French girl once and her name was Anna so I calculate this one must be Anna also. We chat briefly, an instructor decides to give her tips on "improving her performance" how bizarre he never offers the older, chubbier females? After the gym I head to the campus TV room. Last Friday night the Insecurity guard was there and we definately did not get on, the other three are fine. His name is Billy (which in a Hi Viz jacket way he refused to divulge) bit of a bete noire to the undergraduates. He points at me "You know too want to know too are being watched". Any ideas on who may be watching me? Mossad, M.I.5, the F.S.B, the Canadian Victuals Association? Has Britain become a nation of jobsworths and clerks, all in bright yellow, "noting our attitudes"?   

britain, independent minds, research, television, gym etiquette

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