Dec 21, 2009 23:49
If one wants proof of the paucity of intelligent comment on television regarding Europe then one need look no further than the scheduling. Many years ago there was a programme called "Europe Express" 30 minutes or so rounding up what was going on both inside and outside the E.U. It was followed by Africa Express which logically did the same for African news stories. After those programmes ended the dearth of news on or about Europe (or in any European language) was assuaged only by Eurotrash, dealing in naked Bavarians, bald Belgians and Lola Ferrari. This is a sign (and not a healthy one) that Ingerlund is navel-gazing. Like Ireland it cannot see beyond its shores, or else looks to the anglophone space. Now to news that there will be an American style U.K election debate. For some bizarre reason the Liberals will be invited. Plaid Cymru will probably gain more votes, so why not invite them? It is a two horse race or am I missing something? Something that was missed was a comment on "frontline services". As a wise man said the only frontline services are those of the armed forces in Afghanistan. Eating donuts does not qualify P.C Plod for such quasi-military terminology. On this subject noted blogger Paul said he had trouble commenting here, proof that Plod are growing afraid of Broxtedism. Why else are so many "invisible" journals here? The occasional BNP troll of course but like the blip of the sub in "Das Boot" the cyberworld echoes its own signal. At this stage I have decided to say drink "Captain Morgans" rum. I will be most happy to do some product placement, just put the money in the bedside draw, under the to Miss Piggy.
independent minds,