Pope Pius XII, Hitler, Blair in heaven, where is Gandhi?

Dec 21, 2009 11:26

Transubstantiation? I could never swallow it. This is part theology part confessional. Parenthogenisis was also a problem for me but not for the early church fathers. I left the Catholic church in May 1975 largely over the issue if anti-semitism. The doctrine of blaming the Jews for deicide was de trop in my opinion. "Sid Snot" said that all religions are baloney but I disagree. Life is a spiritual journey and some are happy (as nearly all my family are) with the Catholic faith they were born into, some like myself are theological tourists. Now, to address the canonization of Pius XII. His track-record is not great, is it? A few remarks in "With burning sorrow" and that is it. Genocide? He would rather look out of th window at the garden. Unlike Pope Leo who shot birds as they were "too noisy". Catholic faith entails a belief in absolution so that Hitler, Himmler and all the R.C cronies of the Third Reich have a free "get into paradise" card if they truly repent at the moment of death. So Adolf, Heinrich and Tony Blair are all going to be up there. Ron Broxted? I am in hell with Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. It is like the Torygraph on a bad day.

torygraph, independent minds, judaism, yoga

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