Winter has been long and tiring.
I thought that now we have started installing clean water supplies and electricity things would be alot easier, was I ever wrong. All the infighting doesn't help. I was really worried that the Jackson's would be short of food by the end of winter due to their stubborness so I had to come up with a plan to allow people to earn and trade goods and services. We call it money, yeah, not very original I know, but we tried changing the name and everyone still called it money. For example, Bridget can earn money selling vegetables, then she can trade it with Lucas to build her a new chair, or with Thorn for some fish, you get the idea.
On top of having to sort out everyone elses problems I still had to finish off harvesting my garden and raise a baby. I have yet to get running water and electricity, my cottage is right next to the river so water is not a problem, and I'm happy for others to get electrcity first, I've lived without it for 3 years, a few more months won't make much difference. Thorn and Reuben did install a wood burning stove for me and River so at least we've been warm.
Thorn comes round every day to see River, he's a good father, I have to give him that. The Jacksons got some chickens and all Thorn ever wants to eat is fried eggs, I told him he has to wait, they're not laying yet. The cold weather and the move seems to have upset them. Thorn does have some rather weird ideas. His recent theory is that there is a gypsy living in the woods. He thinks she's the one leaving the gold lamps in people's gardens. Mind you, he also said he saw a penguin in his garden the other day! Secretly I think his apple juice has been fermenting....
I'm having a bit of a dilemma about my relationship with Thorn. He's good looking, smart, resourceful, a great dad, but our relationship is rather.... one dimensional, if you get my gist! But I do need someone here to help me look after River, I need to devote more of my time to getting Lazy River running better and more efficiently if we are going to survive here long term. So...... when Thorn proposed, I said yes! I don't know if it's the right decision, but it seems the best plan for the future of Lazy River. As soon as the ground thaws Thorn, Reuben and Lucas are going to start building a bigger house for us just across from this one.
Now, on a less serious note, it was River's birthday! She is a little sweetheart, she has her daddy's good looks and my..... unique ears, an amazing combination. Bonnie was the first to arrive for her party, of course, and Milo baked her a cake. I'm not going to ask where the ingredients came from because I'd probably throw it all up again if I knew! Lucas made her a cute musical mushroom set which she adores. Who needs their old life back when you have friends like these?
Career: Politics
Rank: Lobbyist
Badges: Gardening - Gold
Fishing - Bronze
Potty Trained River