Things JT has learned.

Oct 24, 2006 07:10

the things i have learned.

by JT

rolled cigarettes are too strong.
i smoke cigarettes a lot now.
no filter means that you have direct tobacco contact.
your lips tingle
kinda like if you chew tobacco, your cheek tingles.
thats a bit scary.

girls are as fickle as the weather.
analyzing why or if girls like you is like...
analyzing why or if you will win the lottery.
there is no clear answer. a girl might like your hair
or she might hate the way you hold your steak knife.
just be you, be confident, and dont hold your breath.
sooner or later, you'll hit the jackpot. probably not sooner.

get the large popcorn at the movies
you can get free refills. fill up the tray with it,
go back and get more. you and your friends are set.
did this at "Marie Antoinette." movie was pretty, but very long.

prioritize your friends.
know when your friends are good true lifelong friends
or when they are just work/school acquaintances.
dont confuse one for the other. friends get you
birthday gifts. friends know your full name.
all the other are "people that are cool with you."
these statuses change as well. be aware.
dont invest in someone who isnt a true friend
and dont neglect your true friends for acquaintances.
all of them deserve your love, but prioritize.

dry cleaners/tailors press your jeans.
make sure those motherfuckers dont press your
jeans if you should ever have them alter your jeans
or any pants for that matter. they press them, and you
will have a crease running up and down both legs.
WHY they still try to do that shit i'll never understand.
you will have ruined your pants/jeans. dont let them do this.

more megapixels on a digital camera doesnt mean better
3-4 megapixels is plenty unless you plan on blowing photos
up to poster sizes. you can get a good 3-5 megapixels for less
than $200 now. get one that runs on AA batteries too.

and on that note..

dont spend too much on something you carry with you.
if its something you could lose, break, get stolen, make sure
the price of it isnt so high that you will want to commit suicide
if such a thing does occur.

cell phone
designer purse

if its something unavoidable, like a laptop,
cling to that thing like its your soul.

overcome your weaknesses.
we all have weaknesses.
if you are afraid of something, try to not be.
if you cant get over it, find a way to work around it.
if you are shy, slowly learn to talk to people.
if you are poor, go to school.
whatever your problem is, you should be
spending EVERY DAY trying to remedy any problems.

spray on deodorants are fantastic.
i prefer TAG midnight over any AXE sprays.

dont be too nice.
theres a difference between being polite and kind
and letting people take advantage of you. put
your foot down. you deserve what you put up with.

selling things on craigslist is efficient.
you can sell things in under an hour. only take cash.

deal with confrontation.
dont start fights, but dont be a coward when you
have to face something. whether or not you win
isnt the point. when you deal with confrontations
you will start to be able to handle anything.
if you are a girl, carry pepper spray.
make a judgement call on whether its time
to fight, keep your mouth shut, or run away.
(or a combination of the three)

book hotel and airfare as soon as possible.
if you are visiting a major city, you best book a minimum
of one month ahead of time. not only is it cheaper,
but even getting a hotel is questionable if you dont
get reservations way ahead of time.

get rid of shit.
dont collect too much junk.
throw out cd/dvd cases. get a binder.
put keepsakes in a box. toss the rest.
your life is smoother when you organize.
sometimes you gotta let shit go. sell it.

excercise is vital.
even if you just choose to walk somewhere.
you dont have to go to a gym, but just be active.
take the stairs. grocery basket, not a cart.
you burn the most calories just doing things
during your typical day. if you sit at a desk all day...

go to a good accountant.
having an accountant is like having a good auto mechanic.
just find one that will do it for less than $100
dont go to H&R block, under any circumstances.
find a quality accountant that runs his/her own office.
they will make the month of april turn into a wonderful time.
have the accountant submit it online for you...
getting returns electronically deposited is awesome!

dont give money to bums.
nothing more than 50 cents in change.
if you can, give them food. nothing else.

dont disregard anyone.
that annoying person might be a millionaire.
that bum might just want you to acknowledge him.
"sorry." is better than ignoring his existence.
bullies usually just want you to say they are stronger.
parents just want you to appear as if you listen to them.
friends just want your acceptance.
people will like you more. try it

austin, texas, is an awesome city.
it's like san francisco in the middle of texas.

canadians have ketchup flavored chips.
they taste exactly as they say. do you like ketchup?

ask for things nicely.
"i hate to trouble you, but could you please?"
goes a LONG fucking way.
i've made $200 worth of bank fees disappear,
i've gotten refunds with damaged goods,
i've gotten LAID, with these magic words.
just ask nicely, and you never know.

grow plants.
cacti and bamboo are great for people like me.
(i kill houseplants very easily)

learn how to cook at least one thing well.
eggs over easy. fettuchini alfredo. gazpacho. whatever

dont knock it til you rock it.
you wont know you hate liverwurst til you taste it.
you wont know you hate drugs til you do some.
you wont know you are straight til you...
hahhahaa i kid, i KID! i kid, because i love.
but but BUT===> you can just assume.
make a choice, but bear in mind you are assuming
that its something that isnt for you. so dont be so
quick to judge others for the things they do.
does that make sense?
i'm gonna assume i wont enjoy skydiving.
never tried it, never will. i will bear in mind
that people that do it, might actually like it,
hell, -I- might even like it. i just dont care enough
to find out if i do or not.

love yourself unconditionally.
because no one else will. except your parents, maybe.
no matter how fat or old or poor you become,
you gotta be your own best friend to make it.

never, ever, EVER, masterbate 8 times in a row.
trust me.
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