I didn't do as much writing today but that's okay. Since I changed the story I was writing about like the night before I started, the only outline I had was in my head. And since I finished the first chapter (YAY me yet again), I started to see where things were going to go in a way that makes sense. So I have made FIRE!!! No, really I’m starting to figure out what goes where and in which chapter. I’m writing down little character quirks. I still have to figure out how to do everything in LSB with the outlines. That the next thing I’m off to do now.
I wrote a bit more, didn't type any up so I have no word count but my mind is spinning with ideas and I'm actually busy doing other things at home like cooking, cleaning and baking cookies...for some strange reason I'm feeling especially domestic. I always say roll with it while the feeling is there since I very rarely ever want to do it in the first place.
I do have a few links I wanted to share for anyone who needs help using Liquid Story Binder (really it's a resource post for me...shh! don't tell)
LSB Tutorials
http://www.blackobelisksoftware.com/tutorialsxe/tutorials-liquidstorybinderxefiletypes.html And I found a great community for anyone doing NaNoWriMo in Toronto, apparently we've got our own website and Errol, the singing updater is hilarious too!
Toronto NaNoWriMo Group (especially, check out this entry with him singing: I Am The Very Model Of A Wrimo Individual)
Off to go clean now and hopefully write a bit before I go to bed.