DAY THREE of NaNoWriMo: A Small Feeling of Accomplishment

Nov 03, 2010 17:36

So last night, while partially watching "Dancing with the Stars", I started to write.  I didn't make it too far, a few more pages in my notebook that when I typed it into LSB, I made it to 1160 words!  Yay!  I made it to my 1000 word goal of the first chapter.  Now I need to progress it to the second part.  I got lots of little sticky notes with personality descriptions like David's tattoo and his personality.  I tempted to pull create a sim of him in TS2, and then again in TS3 just so I really have a picture of him.  I'm just missing the expansion pack that does the tattoos for TS3 (and then I just got distracted and went looking for David's Cross Tattoo - Celtic Design like these but I'm really leaning towards the bottom left one).

I'm still drastically behind but I'm not going to give up just yet however, I may need to reassess my final goal.  I know I could get a lot more words if I actually had the opportunity to go back and edit what I have done to add in my description...or possible bright idea!  Use what I've got as a general outline, meaning write the first chapter without as much dialogue and use it as a rough outline and then go back and fill in the spaces of a lot of missing description.  I've noticed with a lot of my writing when I read it back to myself, I don't describe much even though I have a vivid picture of the person, the location, the scene and the emotion in my head.  Maybe I'm trying to get too much out before I forget it that I leave out all these other things that I want to say.  Maybe I need to revamp the rules regarding editing a bit and give myself certain limits like I can only add in more and not take out and I only have a limited amount of time to make those edits within like 30 minutes or maybe once a week on like Sunday for a couple hours when I have no work or other events to deal with.  And maybe I should stop using the word maybe so much in this entry.

I think I'm liking the third option might work best for me.  Gonna try typing instead of hand writing because my right hand feels like it's starting to cramp a lot sooner than it used to.

BTW, the tattoo design obviously is not my own, found it through google images from a site called Wicked Tattoo Designs!


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