100oz of Redbull, 20 cups of tea, 120 hours awake, and four days late, I am finished with the god damn finals week from hell, and none of you (save maybe
mockturtletale who experienced my every emotion via Twitter, AIM, and email) have any idea how much relief I feel. I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!!!! (I can't actually. Staying awake for said 120 hours gave me the worst head cold of my life that's made its way into my lungs and every time I try to breathe, I cough, but that is BESIDE THE POINT.)
It is summer!! I have no responsibilities (except for work woops) until OCTOBER. ONE DIRECTION FANDOM, LET ME LOVE YOU DOWN. Y'all have NO IDEA how excited I am to start getting serious about writing. I have at least five stories planned out, and Clo and I are basically going to be spending all summer shouting plots and each other and making 'em happen. SPEAKING of which, she's writing me maybe three or four different pieces right now and you guys should be excited about ALL of them, because they're going to be fucking fantastic.
In other words, this fandom isn't gonna know what's hit it, in a couple of weeks. BATTEN/BUTTON/WHATEVER DOWN THE HATCHES or whatever that phrase is, and prepare for a HURRICANE of activity. It's gonna be good. I'm particularly excited to read Dare to Dream.
In OTHER news, Empires released Garage Hymns today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clo and I had a listening party around midnight and while I only gave the album a moderately generous 7/10, I heard THREE NEW EMPIRES SONGS TODAY. Two of which I think I'm really going to love!! If any of you guys are into them, or into really great alt/indie/whatever rock music, I definitely suggest you go sample a couple of songs off of Empires's new album Garage Hymns! (Try Shame, Can't Steal Your Heart Away, or maybe Hard Times.)
Before this all starts, though, I'm gonna go sleep for an hour before I have to start the rest of my day.
(Let's talk about this, I have feelings.)
ETA. I've started reading Dare to Dream and it is a VERY good thing I put this off until after I was finished with everything. I got to the picture of Harry with the juggling balls and his goddamn grin and that stupid 'I like a challenge' quote and I had to put my computer down and talk to my dog about my feelings. He looked at me for a while before he realized I didn't have food, and then he wandered off, and I was left to talk about how much I hate Harry Styles to my stuffed animals. Sigh.
ETA2. Of COURSE you've paid your mother back for all the clothes you made her buy you for X Factor you stupid fool. I hate you.
ETA4. Liam Payne style.