Media Roundup: May

May 31, 2010 09:37

Looking at the calendar today, I realized that this next week and a half are kind of insane. So I'm making a list. On the plus side, this should be the last big insane push for the school year. On the negative side, I'm not sure I'll live past this push. Heee.

6/1: Work/youngest kidlet's field trip/inlovewithnight's birthday
6/2: Work/workout
6/3: Alternate lineups goes live/buy supplies for evening/work in kidlet's classroom/PTA general meeting and ice cream social
6/4: Work/workout/figure out how to make a Perry the Platypus cake and make it/buy supplies for kidlet's birthday party
6/5: Kidlet's birthday party - set up activities, make gift bags (shoelaces! cds!), wrap presents, clean house
6/6: 5K cancer walk/run
6/7: Kidlet's birthday dinner
6/8: Kidlet's birthday/work/PTA meeting
6/9: Work/workout

Normally I would buy the supplies for the ice cream social today since I've got the day off and such; however, I have tons of cookie dough for people in my freezer, and thus nowhere to store the ice cream. Also, I wonder how one determines how much ice cream to buy. We're going to estimate about 200 people, but how does that translate to gallons of ice cream? That's the kind of math I need to know. Also - ice cream fixings? And do I buy nuts? I think I'm leaning on the side of no, just to be safe, but still. NUTS. You know? Hee. Nuts.

Also, I should really look up the information for the 5K so that I know when I'm supposed to be there in a more definitive way than "god-awful early".

All that said:

Media Roundup!

With or Without You - Lauren Saunders
The Westing Game - Ellen Raskin
The Red Pyramid - Rick Riordan

Love Crazy
Hard Core Logo
Sherlock Holmes

1 fic - Bandom
1 ficlet - Bandom

watch this 2010, to-do, harper valley pta, read this 2010

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