Disjointed, crazy and OMGROCKSHOW.

Nov 21, 2008 11:21

I have no voice, my neck is sore from rocking out and OMG, I LOVE MIKE COOLEY.


Also, Patterson Hood is the dorkiest dork to ever dork in the entire universe. The boy gets so blissed out on music, it's gorgeous. AND I'M GOING AGAIN TONIGHT.

I dragged one of my friends from work along last night, and am doing the same with a different friend from work tonight. WHOO!! The DBT close tonight, so should be a good good good show. Poor minervacat and quicknow both got garbled messages that were Mike Cooley singing to them ("Panties in Your Purse" and "Love Like This" respectively), and inlovewithnight got OMGDBT text messages of joy. I would have called her except a) it was way super early where she was and b) I have no voice.

My in-laws showed up to watch my kids today, forgetting that I had the day off work. They decided to do it anyway, taking the oldest to school and the youngest to their house, so I'm kidless and got to sleep in! I was going to watch movies, but my computer is having issues with playing them, and if I watch them on the TV, I can't be online due to laptop issues and OMG, my life is so hard. Also, I need to go to Costco, but I don't want to get out of my pajamas.

I have exceeded 20,000 words in mini_nanowrimo on various stories, which makes me happy. My goal for the month was 3,000. Yay for over-achieving. I may be a little psychotically hyper today. Maybe. A little bit.

Also, The Hold Steady are dorky, and I kind of LOVE Franz, the keyboardist, who looks a little like David Arquette and a little like Dr. Phil and plays the accordion, the keyboards, the banjo and acts like he's in a DEVO video. The only bad thing is that they NEVER used the gong. Dudes, if you're going to tote a fucking gong around the country? USE IT.

Did I mention Mike Cooley touched me? Because he did. Sadly, it wasn't with his new geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetar or with his current guitar resting on my breasts, but still, good times. Also? GROWL. Sadly, my camera didn't work too well. I got a couple of decent pictures. I'll bring the other camera tonight. I think if I keep going to shows (though I think this year's four shows in a year is pretty high for the DBT out here) and take a photography class, I'll get a real camera. Right now I can't justify the expense, since we have one perfectly suited for our personal needs already and there are things like food and clothing to buy and mortgage to pay, but still.

OMG, rambling like a rambling thing. ::twirls::

dbt, mrs. smith

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