The week in advance:

Feb 03, 2007 23:58

13 hours of vaginas in one sitting.

Clean house. Prep food for the roughly 15 people coming to my house.

Make reservations for kidlet's birthday dinner.
Order birthday party cake.
Prep party stuff - get stickers/door hangers from party store, make dots, print coloring and knock knock jokes and make bingo cards.
Burn DVDs for inlovewithnight and indigo419
Go to post office.
Preorder copies of HP7 for aigooshesays and self.
Diagnosis codes input
Buy birthday cards for kidlets' great-grandparents.

Dictation - must finish Tue night, even though Monday and Tuesday are days from hell on schedule
Hornblower - Annivesary of first Hornblower fic posted. Must do something. No ideas or time. Excellent.
Husband's grandmother's birthday. Must have kids do something.

Conference call 12-2. Must have all diagnosis codes put into system by this time. As of this post, 1/3 of the way done with that. Add to Monday.
Office for work in evening.
Baby shower at office in evening
Type vaginas - must finish that night because of Thursday.
Make annual madnonno post re: sex day!
Husband's grandfather's birthday. Must have kids do something.

Kidlet's birthday.
Purchase cupcakes/juice in AM
Take cupcakes/juice to school
Meet cousin to pick up package after school - went but cousin did not show up. Left after 1/2 hour. Yay.
Kidlet's birthday dinner with family.

Work in office.
Come home and clean house

Kidlet's birthday party. Unknown number of children.
Pick up cake and punch stuff.

Type 13 hours of vaginas.

Die Can no longer die as have conference call.
Make kidlet valentines for school.

Office work
PTA meeting
Type vaginas
Post RPF story for ficathon

Office at night.
Love people for valentine's day.
Post Shagathon fic. *note to self - finish ShAgathon fic.


mrs. smith

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