Okay, so the bestest thing in the world for a girl down in the dumps?
1 - Matthew Rhys getting beaten up.
2 - Matthew Rhys getting undressed out of his suit while doing kissing
3 - Matthew Rhys naked in a bed with snuggling
4 - Matthew Rhys on the run from bad guys in a suit with his shirt on but unbuttoned and his tie in his mouth
5 - Matthew Rhys in a cute, fun caper movie.
6 - The Director of said cute, fun caper movie explaining in Matthew's audtion tape - sent from when he was filming his Colombo movie in Los Angles - including Ioan Gruffudd playing the older, coming-on-to Matthew's character art gallery owner and the fact that it exists and, at some point in my lifetime, may surface and bring me so much joy I will explode
7 - Matthew's description of himself "From Cardiff, 5'10", brown hair. Blue eyes." (context is everything)
8 - Finding a picture of an article online involving Matthew having 10 minutes to seduce us.
Fakers. Very cute movie. Only availble in region 2, but sosososososososososo cute.
I am SO geekily in love.