I didn't even know I could count that high.

Feb 13, 2014 19:27

So tonight I finished uploading my Dawson's Creek fic to AO3. So now everything I've written is up there. The final count is 1,548 fics.

1548. 4,072,721 words.

I used to write a LOT.

Buffy is the top fandom with Dawson's Creek, Harry Potter, and bandom following.

Funny things I noticed while uploading, particularly with Dawson's fic - there was a LOT of cheating going on. I know a large part of that is because the dynamic of the show fed into that with the Pacey and Joey and Dawson trifecta, but still. WOW. What's amusing is that infidelity is a HUGE thing for me due to my own particular issues, and yet it didn't seem to bother me at all then. Of course, now I'm in a real person fandom, so real people are taking the brunt of cheating, so that might be more of it being a thing now than anything.

Also I think all of the tags in DC that aren't Pacey/Joey or Dawson/Joey are due to me. I know pretty much all of the Doug ones are. I added a few more in there too. It's not my fault I like threesomes and moresomes.

Today was actually a day off - no popcorn and no plans, so I ran some errands and then just relaxed. Of course, I almost got hit twice (one guy came barrelling around a corner to try to park before I finished pulling out, and one gal tried to turn across four lanes of traffic right into me), so I've had a tension headache and I've been clenching my teeth all day. But I got everything on my mini to-do list done and everything's ready to go for tomorrow, and I made dinner and I am just accomplished. I was going to bake something but neglected to get something I needed because I thought I already had it, so I'm not gonna. I make bake cookies though, because NOM.

Or maybe I'll just go to bed early.


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