What would Douglas Adams do?

Apr 18, 2013 06:49

I am not panicking.

What I am doing is making list after list after list and trying to figure out what I might be forgetting. I find the problem is that everything that needs to be done all needs to be done at the same time. Today's list is extensive (and very detailed, as my short term memory seems to be gone) and hopefully in time order, though who knows? I've come to accept the fact that not doing anything but laundry and cleaning on the weekends is not an option. Apparently if I do that, we will continually run out of food and everything else ever. It might be different if there weren't five hours of popcorn every Thursday or if the human body didn't need things like sleep. Or if I could clone myself. That last might get a little awkward though. I mean, we only have so much room in the house, and if you guestimate that at least two of us would be home at any given time...And making a sleep/work schedule for multiple mes would be just as exhausting. I might need to have a clone just to make the lists.

Fortunately the youngest woke up about an hour early today (this will not be fortunate this afternoon/evening when he is tired and cranky), so I have an extra hour to do stuff, which means I can probably get the DDR out of the way before school rather than after/during, which gives me time to go to the grocery store (though probably not Costco as well, which is annoying, because they're right next to each other and I hate doing things non-linearly, though I could make the eldest pick up the youngest and therefore have more time...hmmm). In conclusion: time management is hard.

Last night I sat with my notebook and made a timeline and schedule and shift assignment list for the bingo night next Thursday. I may be physically ill if this thing doesn't come together. Today I have to call/email the people who said they'd volunteer but haven't called me back to confirm what time/shift they want so I can get them on the list because I need to know, and if they're not going to show up, I need to know that too. I expect a lot of craziness in the next week. Sorry about that.

Otherwise life is going along all right. I'm still working out 2-3 days a week and enjoying it, which confounds me to NO END. I know it's largely a mental thing - DDR is a video game! It's not exercise! - but it's working for me and I can't complain about that. Given that we're going to be walking miles this summer at Disneyland, I figuring moving my body on a regular basis can't be a bad thing. Also, I'm kicking ass on a lot of these songs. :D I probably look like a flailing dork when I do it, but my scores are impressive. Heee.

Beckett is doing a stage-it show tomorrow, but I shall not be creepy and sign in. Mostly because I'm going to be at work for most of it, but still. It's the principle of the thing, right? Sure. I'm sure someone will record his dorky face (or gif it) for prosperity. I kind of love his face.

Okay. Kidlets are done eating, so I shall put on work-out clothes and do that, then I can dive into the rest of the stuff. Have a great day, all of you. Let's try for no more tragedies today, okay? Good plan. ♥

harper valley pta, life or something like it

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