To spare us all, I won't keep quoting Hee Haw lyrics.

Sep 10, 2012 19:47

So a week or so ago, my mom gave me a bunch of stuff from her garden, including a zucchini that was roughly 1 1/2 feet long. It was ridiculous. Now, one thing I love love love is fried zucchini, but I've never made it. I googled some recipes and found one that sounded right and along the lines of something in my wheelhouse cooking-wise. Tonight all four of us were home at the same time, so I was going to make dinner. I sliced the zucchini (half of it, leaving some for zucchini bread). I went to put together the batter which called for 1/2 cup of corn meal.

I had no corn meal.

So I ran across the street to the little convenience store and paid a ridiculous amount for a box of corn meal. Then I went to measure the 1/2 cup of flour.

There were little bugs in my flour.

So I went to the spare bag of flour that I had that, unbeknownst to me, was not sealed properly by the factory.

So there were bugs in that flour.

So I just called the husband and told him to bring home flour because I could not FACE the outside world, and I felt like there were bugs crawling all over me. Of course, he didn't manage to get home at his normal time, even allowing for the store, so everything else was finished by the time the zucchini were done. And he bought two bags of flour. Because he wasn't sure how much I needed.


Anyway, the kidlet said my fried zucchini was even better than grandma's, so I am clinging to that like a lifeline. And now I need to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen and make the zucchini bread. Fortunately the cake pops are done (and the last set of them came out GREAT, the FUCKERS), and I have a month before I have to make little sheep ones, but I've done those before, so I don't even care.

I have also left a message, texted, and emailed the lady who used to be on the PTA who was in charge of doing the audit of the books this summer and didn't do it, because we need the books to do the audit, because otherwise we can't do business.

In all honesty, I'm SO looking forward to going to work tomorrow.

bitchin' in the kitchen

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