First fic rec! :D

Jun 29, 2008 07:15

A drabble. Starring Chivu, Mutu and a gnu... no, not like that, you pervy people.

On the news front, the list of places that Lobont might be moving to has suddenly dramatically expanded. According to this article he’s interested in Lazio, Fiorentina and Sampdoria. It also says “Interesant este că şi AC Milan a cerut detalii despre situaţia goalkeeperului”, which looks as if it means that AC Milan are interested in him due to their desperate goalkeeper situation. Alas, I have no data on whether it ACTUALLY means this, so... yeah. [Note: it doesn't. Velnias helpfully translates: "It's interesting that also AC Milan requested some details about the goalkeeper". Ahem.]

Oh, and it has a big picture of him shouting. Mmm, aggro!Lobby. Watch out for that cat; he’ll scratch you eye out.

Finally, Dica has moved to Catania, and ProSport have two features on him: Arrivederci, Dica, an interview thing. There’s a video about it at Mediafax, and he’s on the front page of Catania’s website, natch.

help i can't speak romanian, lobby, chivu, fic, dica, mutu

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