romancingwizard Romancing the Wizard
Challenge Seventeen: Messages From The Heart
challenge was to write a 750-word romantic story which incorporated the prompt, some magic, and a written message from the heart. It was to be wizard-centric, het, and romantic in notion, while following the community and challenge guidelines for content. For this challenge only, the author had the choice of using either a canon wizard/canon witch pairing or a canon wizard/original witch pairing.
Story Listing by Wizard
Sirius Black
Title: Ghosts From The Past
redvelvetcanopyWizard/Witch: Sirius Black/Felicia Baldwin (OFC)
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 32. Wax seal and a ribbon
Summary: After he returns to Grimmauld Place, a chance discovery leads Sirius to seek out a witch from his distant past.
Ghosts From The Past Seamus Finnigan
Title: My Dearest Daphne
salamon2Wizard/Witch: Seamus Finnigan/Daphne Greengrass
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 2. Won't you forgive me?
Summary: Love is fickle at best.
My Dearest Daphne Marcus Flint
Title: The Subtle Sport
seaislewitchWizard/Witch: Marcus Flint/Tracey Davis with Draco & Pansy Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 31. Autograph with a message.
Summary: Marcus is haunted and hunted.
The Subtle Sport Viktor Krum
Title: Begin Anew
ladywhitehartWizard/Witch: Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG - Implied character death
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 30. Unexpected Valentine
Summary: Old flames never completely die out. The embers smolder quietly, waiting for love to breathe on them and give them new life.
Begin Anew Title: The Scarlet Letter
somiglianaWizard/Witch: Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 7. Morning-after Howler
Summary: Hermione receives a Howler after waking alone.
The Scarlet Letter Frank Longbottom
Title: This Love I Have
delayed_poet Wizard/Witch: Frank Longbottom/Alice Longbottom
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 34. Let me count the ways…
Summary: Frank is having trouble coming up with his wedding vows. With a little help from the Marauders, will he finally get it right?
The Love I have Neville Longbottom
Title: Lonely Hearts
stavversWizard/Witch: Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 22. Lonely Hearts ad
Summary: Neville searches for his perfect match, and finds her in an unexpected place
Lonely Hearts Remus Lupin
Title: Many Apologies
stavvers Wizard/Witch: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 17. I'm sorry, but...
Summary: Letters exchanged between Lupin and Tonks during their time apart .
Many Apologies Teddy Lupin
Title: Room 42
mandy_jgWizard/Witch: Teddy Lupin/Rose Weasley
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 13. Secret rendezvous plans.
Summary: Just like all the other times before it, she was powerless to stop herself.
Room 42 Draco Malfoy
Title: Hope is Impossible
seaislewitchWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: G/PG - Language
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 18. Letter received in error.
Summary: Near the end of sixth year, Draco has accepted his fate, but has he lost hope?
Hope is Impossible Title: No Harm Ever Came From Reading a Book
delayed_poetWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 24. Dear diary, tonight was…
Summary: Draco and Pansy read their daughter’s diary and learn something about themselves in the process.
No Harm Ever Came From Reading a Book Title: Well
dustthouartWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 8. Letter torn in half
Summary: Draco is nearing the breaking point, but he still has to go through the motions.
Well Title: RSVP
rosedemonWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 12. A lifetime of regrets.
Summary: A letter that should have been answered is not, and Draco regrets his actions.
RSVP Lucius Malfoy
Title: The Lone Son
writermerrinWizard/Witch: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 10. A post-natal letter
Summary: Betrayed by her own blood, Narcissa has bad news for her husband.
The Lone Son Title: Anticipation
philstar22Wizard/Witch: Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only, light bondage, slight masturbation
Genre: Romance/Passion
Word count: 750
Prompt: 3. I have plans for you, my witch
Summary: Lucius sends Hermione a present in anticipation of their coming night together.
Anticipation - NC-17 Adults Only Scorpius Malfoy
Title: Uncross the Stars
gelseyWizard/Witch: Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 23. Note used by an enemy.
Summary: James is too nosey for his own good and ends up finding more than he bargains for while snooping in Rose’s room. Post-Hogwarts for both Rose and Scorpius.
Uncross the Stars Harry Potter
Title: The Shopping List
carrickorourkeWizard/Witch: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 21. Order for Romantic Items
Summary: George fills an order for some interesting items!
The Shopping List James Potter
Title: The Pirates of Black Lake
redvelvetcanopyWizard/Witch: James Potter/Lily Evans
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 5. collection of notes
Summary: A bit of piracy evokes romance for James and Lily.
The Pirates of Black Lake Title: Simple Things
lunalovepotterWizard/Witch: James Potter/Lily Evans
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Passion
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 28. Flower Petals in a Letter
Summary: James Potter is all flash & flair. But that isn't what gets Lily's attention.
Simple Things Kingsley Shacklebolt
Title: A Surprise For My Valentine
aramintasnapeWizard/Witch: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Aurora Sinistra
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only
Genre: Romance/Passion
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 9. Business correspondence
Summary: Kingsley is determined to surprise his wife on Valentine’s Day, but things don’t turn out quite as he has planned…
A Surprise for My Valentine - NC-17 Adults Only Severus Snape
Title: Taken
subversWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: Scorched parchment scroll
Summary: Hermione unsuccessfully attempts to burn the bridge to her heart.
Taken Title: Snooping
ginny_weasley31Wizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 20. Card attached to a gift
Summary: Staying late after work one night, Hermione goes snooping around where she shouldn't.
Snooping Title: A Night of Hope
veradeeWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 27. A message on the mirror
Summary: A shared night makes Snape hope for a change in his life.
A Night of Hope - NC-17 Adults Only Title: Promises Kept
redvelvetcanopyWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Lily Evans Potter
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 19. Perfumed note from her
Summary: Frustrated by James Potter’s son, Severus Snape seeks out the one person who can remind him of the importance of his task.
Promises Kept Title: Tidemark
siguneWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Lily Evans; Severus Snape/Brynhild Bromley (OFC)
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 6. marriage proposal
Summary: She's a whisper in water, a secret for him to hear. He's the one who grows distant when she beckons him near.
Tidemark Title: Discounts
writermerrinWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Humor
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 33. A shopping list.
Summary: When Severus enlists Hermione’s help, he is surprised by what he discovers.
Discounts Title: Lab Partners
ladywhitehartWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Callista Hawkins (OFC)
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R for sexual innuendo
Genre: Romance/Humor
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 37. A potions formula
Summary: Difficulties with a potion lead to a romantic encounter. For intelligent people, word play equals foreplay.
Lab Partners Title: Composure
closetravenclawWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 29. I never want to see you again!
Summary: Hermione has a choice to make.
Composure Ted Tonks
Title: Burning Bridges
stavversWizard/Witch: Ted Tonks/Andromeda Black
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 36. Don't marry her!
Summary: Ted receives a Howler from someone rather unhappy about his engagement to Andromeda
Burning Bridges Title: The Last Letter
bambu345Wizard/Witch: Ted Tonks/Andromeda Tonks
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 11. I’m leaving you -- forever
Summary: Andromeda stays home with the baby.
The Last Letter Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle
Title: The Mask of Sanity
somiglianaWizard/Witch: Tom Riddle/Minerva McGonagall
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 16. Long lost letter found.
Summary: Minerva McGonagall receives a letter fifty years after it was written.
The Mask of Sanity Arthur Weasley
Title: Taste of the Storm
gelseyWizard/Witch: Arthur Weasley/Bellatrix Black, Arthur Weasley/Molly Prewett
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 35. An invitation.
Summary: Bellatrix makes demands that cannot be fulfilled.
Taste of the Storm Title: Family Recipe
lewlinxWizard/Witch: Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 15. Recipe made with love
Summary: Lily Luna Potter learns the recipe for her family’s success.
Family Recipe Charlie Weasley
Title: Advice From Agatha
somiglianaWizard/Witch: Charlie Weasley/Meghan McCormack
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 39. A big soppy card.
Summary: Charlie receives a very special Valentine’s card.
Advice From Agatha Title: It Meant Change
myownmuggleWizard/Witch: Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 1. Last Night was Amazing
Summary: Charlie was never fond of change, but even a dragon keeper sometimes needs someone to come home to.
It Meant Change George Weasley
Title: Letter
aurorawestWizard/Witch: George Weasley/Angelina Johnson
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 38. Didn't you get my letter?
Summary: George has never been any good at writing letters.
Letter Blaise Zabini
Title: Ashes of the Heart
gelseyWizard/Witch: Blaise Zabini/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 4. Ode to my lover…
Summary: Sometimes, no matter how happy something makes you, it just isn't meant to be. Loss and grief burn away the memory of that happiness and leave but ashes of the heart.
Ashes of the Heart - NC-17 Adults Only Title: For Matrimonial Purposes
lewlinxWizard/Witch: Blaise Zabini/Parvati Patil
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 25. His jealous rant
Summary: Eavesdropping on a conversation, Blaise discovers something that makes his blood boil.
For Matrimonial Purposes Title: Intervention
irespressogirlWizard/Witch: Blaise Zabini/Daphne Greengrass
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: #26 Read between the lines.
Summary: Blaise gets some inside information.
Intervention Story Listing by Author
Title: A Surprise For My Valentine
aramintasnapeWizard/Witch: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Aurora Sinistra
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only
Genre: Romance/Passion
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 9. Business correspondence
Summary: Kingsley is determined to surprise his wife on Valentine’s Day, but things don’t turn out quite as he has planned…
A Surprise for My Valentine - NC-17 Adults Only Title: Letter
aurorawestWizard/Witch: George Weasley/Angelina Johnson
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 38. Didn't you get my letter?
Summary: George has never been any good at writing letters.
Letter Title: The Last Letter
bambu345Wizard/Witch: Ted Tonks/Andromeda Tonks
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 11. I’m leaving you -- forever
Summary: Andromeda stays home with the baby.
The Last Letter Title: The Shopping List
carrickorourkeWizard/Witch: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 21. Order for Romantic Items
Summary: George fills an order for some interesting items!
The Shopping List Title: Composure
closetravenclawWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 29. I never want to see you again!
Summary: Hermione has a choice to make.
Composure Title: No Harm Ever Came From Reading a Book
delayed_poetWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 24. Dear diary, tonight was…
Summary: Draco and Pansy read their daughter’s diary and learn something about themselves in the process.
No Harm Ever Came From Reading a Book Title: This Love I Have
delayed_poet Wizard/Witch: Frank Longbottom/Alice Longbottom
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 34. Let me count the ways…
Summary: Frank is having trouble coming up with his wedding vows. With a little help from the Marauders, will he finally get it right?
The Love I have Title: Well
dustthouartWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 8. Letter torn in half
Summary: Draco is nearing the breaking point, but he still has to go through the motions.
Well Title: Uncross the Stars
gelseyWizard/Witch: Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 23. Note used by an enemy.
Summary: James is too nosey for his own good and ends up finding more than he bargains for while snooping in Rose’s room. Post-Hogwarts for both Rose and Scorpius.
Uncross the Stars Title: Ashes of the Heart
gelseyWizard/Witch: Blaise Zabini/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 4. Ode to my lover…
Summary: Sometimes, no matter how happy something makes you, it just isn't meant to be. Loss and grief burn away the memory of that happiness and leave but ashes of the heart.
Ashes of the Heart - NC-17 Adults Only Title: Taste of the Storm
gelseyWizard/Witch: Arthur Weasley/Bellatrix Black, Arthur Weasley/Molly Prewett
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 35. An invitation.
Summary: Bellatrix makes demands that cannot be fulfilled.
Taste of the Storm Title: Snooping
ginny_weasley31Wizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 20. Card attached to a gift
Summary: Staying late after work one night, Hermione goes snooping around where she shouldn't.
Snooping Title: Intervention
irespressogirlWizard/Witch: Blaise Zabini/Daphne Greengrass
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: #26 Read between the lines.
Summary: Blaise gets some inside information.
Intervention Title: Begin Anew
ladywhitehartWizard/Witch: Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG - Implied character death
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 30. Unexpected Valentine
Summary: Old flames never completely die out. The embers smolder quietly, waiting for love to breathe on them and give them new life.
Begin Anew Title: Lab Partners
ladywhitehartWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Callista Hawkins (OFC)
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R for sexual innuendo
Genre: Romance/Humor
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 37. A potions formula
Summary: Difficulties with a potion lead to a romantic encounter. For intelligent people, word play equals foreplay.
Lab Partners Title: For Matrimonial Purposes
lewlinxWizard/Witch: Blaise Zabini/Parvati Patil
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 25. His jealous rant
Summary: Eavesdropping on a conversation, Blaise discovers something that makes his blood boil.
For Matrimonial Purposes Title: Family Recipe
lewlinxWizard/Witch: Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 15. Recipe made with love
Summary: Lily Luna Potter learns the recipe for her family’s success.
Family Recipe Title: Simple Things
lunalovepotterWizard/Witch: James Potter/Lily Evans
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Passion
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 28. Flower Petals in a Letter
Summary: James Potter is all flash & flair. But that isn't what gets Lily's attention.
Simple Things Title: Room 42
mandy_jgWizard/Witch: Teddy Lupin/Rose Weasley
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 13. Secret rendezvous plans.
Summary: Just like all the other times before it, she was powerless to stop herself.
Room 42 Title: It Meant Change
myownmuggleWizard/Witch: Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 1. Last Night was Amazing
Summary: Charlie was never fond of change, but even a dragon keeper sometimes needs someone to come home to.
It Meant Change Title: Anticipation
philstar22Wizard/Witch: Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only, light bondage, slight masturbation
Genre: Romance/Passion
Word count: 750
Prompt: 3. I have plans for you, my witch
Summary: Lucius sends Hermione a present in anticipation of their coming night together.
Anticipation - NC-17 Adults Only Title: The Pirates of Black Lake
redvelvetcanopyWizard/Witch: James Potter/Lily Evans
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 5. collection of notes
Summary: A bit of piracy evokes romance for James and Lily.
The Pirates of Black Lake Title: Ghosts From The Past
redvelvetcanopyWizard/Witch: Sirius Black/Felicia Baldwin (OFC)
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 32. Wax seal and a ribbon
Summary: After he returns to Grimmauld Place, a chance discovery leads Sirius to seek out a witch from his distant past.
Ghosts From The Past Title: Promises Kept
redvelvetcanopyWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Lily Evans Potter
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 19. Perfumed note from her
Summary: Frustrated by James Potter’s son, Severus Snape seeks out the one person who can remind him of the importance of his task.
Promises Kept Title: RSVP
rosedemonWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 12. A lifetime of regrets.
Summary: A letter that should have been answered is not, and Draco regrets his actions.
RSVP Title: My Dearest Daphne
salamon2Wizard/Witch: Seamus Finnigan/Daphne Greengrass
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 2. Won't you forgive me?
Summary: Love is fickle at best.
My Dearest Daphne Title: Hope is Impossible
seaislewitchWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
Rating/Warnings: G/PG - Language
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 18. Letter received in error.
Summary: Near the end of sixth year, Draco has accepted his fate, but has he lost hope?
Hope is Impossible Title: The Subtle Sport
seaislewitchWizard/Witch: Marcus Flint/Tracey Davis with Draco & Pansy Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 31. Autograph with a message.
Summary: Marcus is haunted and hunted.
The Subtle Sport Title: Tidemark
siguneWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Lily Evans; Severus Snape/Brynhild Bromley (OFC)
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 6. marriage proposal
Summary: She's a whisper in water, a secret for him to hear. He's the one who grows distant when she beckons him near.
Tidemark Title: The Scarlet Letter
somiglianaWizard/Witch: Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 7. Morning-after Howler
Summary: Hermione receives a Howler after waking alone.
The Scarlet Letter Title: The Mask of Sanity
somiglianaWizard/Witch: Tom Riddle/Minerva McGonagall
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 16. Long lost letter found.
Summary: Minerva McGonagall receives a letter fifty years after it was written.
The Mask of Sanity Title: Advice From Agatha
somiglianaWizard/Witch: Charlie Weasley/Meghan McCormack
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Humour
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 39. A big soppy card.
Summary: Charlie receives a very special Valentine’s card.
Advice From Agatha Title: Many Apologies
stavvers Wizard/Witch: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance/Drama
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 17. I'm sorry, but...
Summary: Letters exchanged between Lupin and Tonks during their time apart
Many Apologies Title: Lonely Hearts
stavversWizard/Witch: Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 22. Lonely Hearts ad
Summary: Neville searches for his perfect match, and finds her in an unexpected place
Lonely Hearts Title: Burning Bridges
stavversWizard/Witch: Ted Tonks/Andromeda Black
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 36. Don't marry her!
Summary: Ted receives a Howler from someone rather unhappy about his engagement to Andromeda
Burning Bridges Title: Taken
subversWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/R
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 14. Scorched parchment scroll
Summary: Hermione unsuccessfully attempts to burn the bridge to her heart.
Taken Title: A Night of Hope
veradeeWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Adults Only
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 27. A message on the mirror
Summary: A shared night makes Snape hope for a change in his life.
A Night of Hope - NC-17 Adults Only Title: The Lone Son
writermerrinWizard/Witch: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Despair
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 10. A post-natal letter
Summary: Betrayed by her own blood, Narcissa has bad news for her husband.
The Lone Son Title: Discounts
writermerrinWizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Humor
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: 33. A shopping list.
Summary: When Severus enlists Hermione’s help, he is surprised by what he discovers.