Title: Beautiful Disaster
Author: Romanceguru
Disclaimer: Joss is boss.
Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Jayne/River, Kaylee.
Prompt: “Watch” For
firefly100Summary: River’s 18th gala.
Notes: 400 words, un-betaed. Yay, I was able to drabble! It’s been a while.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you lookin’ on her, Jayne I ain’t as mean as I look Cobb.” Kaylee remarked sagely as she leaned next to him on the railing.
Jayne’s eyes remained fixed on River who was standing before the buffet table muttering to herself quietly. “Well, someone’s gotta. Ya’ll think just ‘cause she hasn’t gone all crazy killer-woman lately, that she ain’t still a danger. Me, I says any tick now.”
Kaylee watched as River used the front of her dress as a satchel, filling it to the brim with fresh goodies from the spread. “Yep, she looks right ready for murderin’ folk.” Grinning audaciously at Jayne, she questioned wryly, “How many do ya suppose she‘ll take out with the soft cheeses?”
“Hey, It could happen.” He defended lamely.
“You ain’t foolin’ no one. If you was so threatened, why’d ya offer ta pitch in for this fancy shindig in the first place?”
“Don’t know what yer talkin’ about.” He proclaimed with false innocence.
Kaylee rolled her eyes. “Talkin’ about the forty percent that came from not nobody but you.”
Jayne pretended he didn’t hear the mechanic and snorted as he watched River walk around and offer the guests food from her dress. “She’s wastin’ all the ruttin’ grub is what. Feng le girl can‘t even act decent at her own party.”
Leaning over the railing, Jayne yelled down to River. “Hey! Save some of that, will ya? Some of us haven’t e’t yet!”
River looked up at Jayne; her white dress was ruined, stained a purplish red. Chunks of something indiscernible clung heavily to the front of the pretty material.
Licking the last bit of sweet melon off of her fingers, she smiled prettily at him and pointed to the plate opposite from her. It was stacked high with foodstuffs, enough to feed a small army…or a certain mercenary.
Jayne shook his head. The gorram girl looked a mess standing there all mucked up, hair untamed and eyes just as wild. As long as he knew her, she’d been a walking disaster in every which way, shape and form. Kind of like a train wreck you couldn’t take your eyes off of.
Kaylee smiled to herself as Jayne made his way down to the cargo bay, grumbling something about the food being all contaminated with crazy.
Funny how he didn’t look an ounce guarded. Not no more.