All creatures great and small.

May 24, 2007 19:44

It's been raining here today (actually, it's been raining a lot this spring) and the rain always brings all sorts of critters. Today, my parents' carport was covered in baby slugs and since I have an f-list full of geeks (don't get the wrong idea - I say that very proudly! :p), I thought some of you might wanna see what a baby slug looks like. At least, I hope that's what it is. It certainly looks like one.

Also, I have a update on Harold. (For those who don't know, that's my Venus fly trap.
mantaraggio named him for me.)

Now, I actually took more pictures of Harold, but this was the only one that turned out well. With no more adieu, I give you Bug Death!

That bulge you see (follow the red arrow on the left) is what's left of Harold's first catch. From the size of it, it looks like he caught a whopper. And, if you follow the bottom right arrow, you can see a bit of wing sticking out. I like to think that the fly was valiantly trying to escape, but, much like Boba Fett to the Sarlacc, the effort was in vain. (Well, according to G-level canon, anyway.....never mind.) If you look in the mouth(?) right above the bulging one (follow the only arrow left), you can just make out another catch. No signs of a struggle on that one.

Now for the baby animal. I had to use a leaf to snatch him from the carport floor. I tried to coax him onto my thumb, but he was having none of it. He recoiled as though he didn't trust me. I tell ya, you betray one slug, years ago, and the whole slug world snubs you!

I tried to convince him that it wasn't my fault, that the press twisted my words around (happens all the time, right,
coolbyrne? :p), but I could see he wasn't budging. So, I decided to get someone to put in a good word for me.

In the end, I'm not sure he was convinced by what Max had to say. Unfortunately, I doubt that a slug would be impressed by someone who could be bought with a good ear scratching session. Oh well. It was worth a shot. I decided it best to cut my losses with this particular section of the animal world, so I put the slug, leaf and all, out in the front yard.

And, aside from a grueling session in the gym, that's my day in a nut shell. :p


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