As I'm sure those of you who check the news already know, the US midwest is in the middle of an ice storm. What some of you may not know is that Oklahoma is a part of the midwest. (That's not a knock against my f-list, but a comment on how anonymous my state is.) Luckily, in my area, it's been much ado about nothing - no power outages and, to my knowledge, no fatalities. Although, that can't be said for the state or the region as a whole.
Now, I feel a bit guilty when things like this happen because I love weather. We seem to have nothing but dry, suffocating heat most of the time, so when something does happen - rain, snow, etc - it's such a welcome change. These changes, however, usually go hand-in-hand with some kind of tragedy. The storms bring tornadoes and the ice causes fatal accidents. So, my enjoyment is always tempered, but, for whatever reason, I just can't stop myself from looking at the effects of the weather around me like a kid looks at the tree on Christmas morning. :)
With that in mind, I took a few pictures this afternoon. Nothing spectacular. Just a few examples of what I see outside my window. :)
You can't really see the ice here, expect as a white glow on the trees. Normally, at this time of the year, you could see straight through all the branches. They're not nearly as thick as the ice makes them seem.
A close up of how thick the layer of ice is on the trees.
Even the grass is frozen. Frozen, but still green in places.
As you can see, we've had a lot of wind, too. The ice is hanging from the leaves at an angle.
In case you're wondering what this is, it's frozen chicken wire. :) Since we're supposed to have even more freezing rain tonight, I'm gonna check this tomorrow and see what it looks like then. I'm wondering if the little hexagons can get completely filled with ice.
This rose bush is already covered in buds. If the ice doesn't kill them, it'll be in full bloom this spring.
I don't know much about roses. Are the leaves supposed to be green in the winter?