Remember the crazy religious signs I posted about before? Well, I found more! This particular prophet doesn't seem to be finished. These pictures, unfortunately, were not taken by me, but by a friend. I forgot to bring my camera for this trip, but, in my defence, we didn't set out to find more down home attractions.
If this one seems to be in the middle of nowhere, well, it is. Some of the grass nearby is taller than the sign, which makes me wonder why this particular location was chosen. Maybe the guy had been planting signs all day and was tired.
Now this one is at the gate to a piece of prime(/sarcasm)Oklahoma real estate, so maybe, we've found the prophet is question! That makes me a little sad, but, if so & his proselytizing is over, maybe he'll get the urge to spread the truth again when the New Year rolls around(Doomsday criers love the end of a year). Yes, that's a red boot tacked to the post, and yes, there were boots on every fence post. Why? I have no idea, but it put me in mind of the Hobo Code. You know, if a traveling hobo(I love that word! :p)is treated well in a certain town, he'll leave a shoe hanging from a sign or an electrical wire to let other hobos know that this place is a-ok. Maybe the red boots have some kind of meaning for roadside prophets like "Crazy religious beliefs welcome!" *shrugs* You never know. :)
Only one more picture this time, and it's unrelated to the kooky signs(although it was found on the same dirt road as the above picture.) I included it because I have a question for the people who read these little Oklahoma tours of mine. Is this a local phenomenon, or do people in other places love to put the heads of dead fish on fence posts? This certainly isn't the first time I've seen it. Although, usually they attach the head by pushing it down onto the post, mouth first. This is the first one I've seen that had the mouth facing outward. It's certainly creepier that way.
Sorry this is such a short tour, but as I said above, I didn't have my camera for this one. I'll be posting more pics later, 'cause believe me, there's plenty more to see.
In the midst of making this post, I realized two things: One - my new computer rocks! I was able to use Photoshop CS, listen to a cd, and load webpages all at once! Now, for most people, this nothing, but my old comp was such a POS that my little lappie puts me in geek heaven. It may not the prettiest or the fastest computer around, but it's all mine. :p
Two - This will probably be the first time ever that I throw away left over pizza because, in the past hour or so, I've become incredibly ill. Sick in ways that are best left vague. I'm never eating again. That's how I feel at the moment anyway.