Its hard to see the wrong

Jan 16, 2009 14:39

I think the latest media frenzies are sharks (understandably) and miscarriages in hospital toilets.

The way I see this - and keep in mind a cousin of mine miscarried and the poor bub spent weeks in ICU and died anyway - there was nothing much the hospital could have done in this particular case. She had twins, she was miscarrying, and the way I read it, she dropped one out in the toilet while waiting for the obstatrics unit nurses to come over to admissions.

The fact she is having nightmares has little to do with any perceived lack of clinical care and more the fact that miscarrying is emotionally traumatic. Whether you o it in bed at home, in a public toilet or a hospital toilet or hospital bed, the fact is that you are going to be traumatised.

What is the big deal with this? People obviously seem to think that a) hospitals can somehow place a "wrong way go back" magic sign in a woman's vag to stop babies coming out before thay are due, and b) clearly there needs to be a special miscarrying room with daisies and stuffed toys and unicorns for traumatised women to go to when blurting out their failed humans. Clearly if the baby is irretrievable and already dead, at least if you miscarry in magic land then you'll feel all sprightly and chipper as you skip off down the path to have another crack at the baby bonus.

Yeah right.

The media is missing the point. As usual.
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