
Jan 16, 2009 10:25

The Middle East is fucked. We should wall the fucking place off and throw guns and plague in there and they can all shoot each other and turn into fucking zombies.

Gaza is a depressing situation. Reports of Israeli use of white phosphorus and other atrocities may be unfounded and are of course denied by the Israelis - a no brainer there, denying war crimes eh? You wouldn't want to face the hague would you Regev, Netanyahu, et al? No of course not.

Yet, dare we criticise them? Hamas is just as bad. Either its an illegal terrorist organisation, or a political party. If its the former, then Gaza is without a legally recognised government, so Israel isn't really "at war" in a sense, they are just conducting a "security operation" or whatever. Which means that technically since they claim Gaza, they are conducting genocide on themselves in order to prosecute their security operation on hamas.

Alternately, Hamas is an elected government, in which case its clearly fucking rancidly insane to launch missiles on a neighbouring state and think that the outcome wouldn't be war. Hell, even india and Pakistan don't do this shit. So if Hamas is a legal governmental entity in Gaza it is abysmally failing its people and should be removed. Expunged.

We can't, of course, criticise Israel for defending itself against the assault of a neighbouring state. its justified self-defence (if Hamas is a real governing entity, if there is such a thing as the Palestinian nation). However, it certainly isn't giving a fuck about anything - it is committing atrocities left, right and centre and I think its disgusting how namby-pamby the world is being about it, just because they do have the right to defend themselves and because Hamas was insane enough to step up. So what? Thats not the point - take Hamas out, but do it properly, without the modern equivalent of carpet bombing, torture, ethnic cleansing and random violence - let alone starvation and deprivation.

I think if the Palestinians support Hamas they are fucking retards. They ought to ditch them, turn them in, identify them to Mossad and get them fucking killed and done with. Then, maybe, Israel won't have an excuse to be genocidal (though I doubt they really need one). So, I can only say, you reap what you stupidly fucking sow you fucktards. Suffer in burning white phosphorus hell until you grow the fuck up and realise that voting in terrorists whose sole reason for breathing is to start wars is NOT A GOOD IDEA.
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