Макейн обещает военную поддержку ассирийцам

May 08, 2016 11:17

Похоже, что день 7 мая 2016 года был днём концентрированных лоббистских усилий ассирийской диаспоры в защиту своего народа на Ближнем Востоке.

В австралийском Сиднее прошла мощная демонстрация протеста против политики маргинализации, осуществляемой властями Курдистанского региона в Ираке, а в Америке ассирийская делегация побеседовала с сенатором штата Аризона Маккейном.
Учитывая волнообразный характер действий диаспоральных активистов, за этим должны последовать подобные шаги в других странах.
Однако вопрос состоит в том, насколько они эффективны.

Заметим, что на встрече с Макейном был затронут широкий круг вопросов, начиная от исторической петиции, посланной покойным патриархом Мар Ишаем Шимуном XXIII в ООН как раз 7 мая 1945 года, до недавней атаки ИГИЛ на Тельускуф в Ираке.

Сэм Дармо из Assyrians for Justice обратил внимание Макейна на отсутствие должной поддержки ассирийских вооружённых формирований в Ираке, которым не поставляются оружие и боеприпасы.
В то время как сами ассирийцы готовы выставить против ИГИЛ 5 тысяч бойцов в том случае, если таковая поддержка и материально-техническое снабжение частей будут, наконец, налажены.
Макейн, возглавляющий комиссию Сената США по военным вопросам, пообещал оказать содействие на этом направлении.

Кроме того, сенатор посоветовал членам делегации использовать все виды СМИ, в том числе социальные сети и другие средства коммуникации для того чтобы "постоянно и непрерывно привлекать внимание к тому, что происходит с ассирийцами".

А от самого Макейна теперь требуется только одно: сдержать своё обещание в отношении вопроса оказания прямой военной поддержки ассирийским формированиям в Ираке.

Роланд Биджамов

Подробный репортаж о встрече оставила журналистка Мона Ошана на своей странице в фейhttps://www.facebook.com/MONAKOSHANA?ref=ts&fref=tsсбуке.
Привожу полный текст:
Meeting with Senator John McCain
By Mona K Oshana
May 7, 2016

With the ongoing struggle of the Indigenous Assyrian population and other minorities fighting to survive in Iraq and Syria, On May 7, 2016 a collective assembly of concerned leaders from the Assyrian community living in Phoenix Arizona visited the office of the honorable Senator John McCain of Arizona, Former Republican Party's nominee for President in the 2008 election, currently serving as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. The delegation included His Grace Mar Aprem Khamis, Bishop of the Western diocese in America of the Assyrian Church of the East, Arqidyaqun Frederick Hermiz's Parish priestof ST. Peter Parish in Glendale, AZ, St peter's Parish Committee President Henry Benjamin and Timothy Elias member of the St. Peter's Parish Youth Association. Also Meeting with the Senator were Founder and Researcher for Assyrian for Justice Mr. Sam Darmo as well as Mrs. Mona K Oshana Radio Host, Author and Executive Direct of Power of Three Organization. The local Phoenix delegation of leaders met with Senator John McCain to voice their concerns for the ongoing desperate plight of the Assyrians and other minority groups most affected by the current chaos in the Middle East. Senator McCain being one of the most influential and powerful senators in Congress, the Assyrian delegation has high hopes this meeting will bring about a constructive move of action that will benefit and perhaps alleviate some of the suffering of the oppressed communities in the Middle East.
The meeting was held in Senator McCain's office which serves as the headquarters for his reelection campaign, located on 1702 E. Highland AVE, Phoenix Arizona 85016. The Assyrian delegation was cordially greeted by the Senator and his staff.
After the initial introductions His Grace Mar Aprem Khamis presented Senator McCain a copy of the historical Petition drafted on Behalf of the Assyrian Nation Presented to the Untied Nation on May 7, 1945 by the late Martyr His Holiness Mar Eshai Shimun XXIII Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East. His Grace pointed to the coincidental date of May 7th, our current meeting which marks the 71st anniversary of the submission of this petition which detailed the same continuous targeted attacks our people face today. His Grace focused careful attention to the specific predicaments and demands of the petition made by the late Patriarch Mar Eshai Shimum XXIII in 1945 is identical to the current state of affairs, which have yet to be realized by the Assyrian people.
Senator McCain readily agreed the Assyrian struggle has been an ongoing unresolved problem that has been neglected for far too long and must be addressed, he advised his office was prepared to do what they can to help.
Mr. Sam Darmo Founder of Assyrian for Justice briefed the Senator on the current military situation facing the Assyrians in Iraq, including the current attack in Telesqof that claimed the life of our very own Arizona resident Navy Seal Charlie Keating and wounded four Assyrian soldiers while defending their region against an ISIS attack. Mr. Darmo explained the capability and willingness of the local Assyrian army in North of Iraq numbering one thousand active soldiers with an additional 5000 soldiers signed recruits waiting to partner with the allied forces to fight against ISIS and any other terrorist groups to safeguard their territory. However, Mr. Darmo pointed out, "there is not enough arms or resources being supplied to the local Assyrian Army standing on the front lines who are unable to battle effectively or protect their region due to insufficient weaponry", the Senator vowed to address these and other military base concerns.
In the last few months, efforts were made by many community grassroots advocates for the Middle East Cause, with the help of Rep Jeff Fortenberry and other concerned members of Congress, two pieces of legislation H. Con RES 75 in the House and S. Res 340 in the Senate, were introduced designed to recognize the current plight of the Assyrians and other minorities as Genocide as well as prevent further war crimes. Both pieces of legislation required slight modification in the language to fit the description of Genocide as defined by the United Nations. Prior to the unanimous bi-partisan vote to pass House H. RES 75, the verbiage was successfully changed. However, S.RES 340 has yet to be changed as Mrs. Mona K Oshana urged Senator McCain to address the Senate side of the Legislation to make the necessary changes in the language to coincide with the House side of the Resolution . Both the Senator and his staff assured the Assyrian delegation this issue would immediately be addressed and resolved.
Mr. Timothy Elias of the St. Peter's Parish Youth Association asked the Senator what he could suggest based on his vast experience, his advise on how the Assyrian Community could rally support.
The senator quickly replied, "Get on every type of media outlets to speak out to raise awareness. Use social Media and any other means of communication to continuously speak out without ceasing to bring attention to what is going on with the Assyrians".

With much appreciation and gratitude towards the Honorable Senator McCain and his staff for allowing the Assyrian delegation to meet with him and addressing these and many important issues.

демонстрация, Австралия, facebook, лоббизм, христиане Ирака, христиане Сирии, США, диаспора, ассирийцы

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