Shiina: In his life, Hinata was h*mo

Dec 27, 2010 17:16

Angel Beats! Second Season Confirmed? Not sure if real or fake. If real then yay! If fake, ah... oh well.

Finished Golden Sun: Dark Dawn recently and I'm not sure if I should feel accomplished or something. Half the time I forgot what the main plot(sidequest, lol) was. The characters were boring and lacked any story development. Also, tag-along unaging Kraden talks too much. The main playable characters (8 of them) usually gave one or two lines or input after Kraden/NPC/antagonist speaks. Reading the repetitive dialogue after another character had said the similiar thing makes me wonder if they love to parrot one another.

One member at GameFaqs described the whole game's dialogue like this:

Laurel: "Don't put the thing in the place."
Matthew: "So we shouldn't put the thing in the place?"
Laurel: "No."
Matthew: "Okay guys, we promise not to put the thing in the place."
Tyrell: "Yep, no putting the thing in the place."

Blados: "Get the thing, then put it in the place."
Matthew: "But we aren't supposed to put the thing in the place!"
Blados: "You will put the thing in the place!"
Ryu: "I'll put the thing in the place!"
Karis: "But we were told not to put the thing in the place."
Ryu: "Well I'm putting the thing in the place anyway."
Matthew: "Guys, we can't let him put the thing in the place, because Laurel said so!"

Matthew: "Okay, I'm bored. Nowhere else to go, let's put the thing in the place."


We're doing this thing called psynergy, its really amazing."
"You're probably those stupid country people who don't know anything."
"Oh really, I'll show you!"
"Wow, turns out you really know psynergy!"
"Yeah, I do know psynergy."
"Tyrell, how dare you use psynergy! Put out that fire!"
"But you see, it turns out I'm a fire adept and don't know how to put out fires, because I'm only a fire adept!"
"Oh no! Now what do we do?!"
"I'll put it out, I'm a water adept and I can use water psynergy!"
"That's incredible, thanks for that information."
"No problem, I'm always happy to tell everyone about me being a water adept and using water psynergy."
"There we go, I just put out that fire that Tyrell started, because I'm a water adept and I can use water psynergy."
"Thanks for using water psynergy, I appreciate it."
"No problem, let me know if there's any other fire psynergy you'd like me to extinguish with my water psynergy."
"We will be sure to tell you about any other fire psynergy which you extinguish with water psynergy."
"You did it AGAIN, Tyrell, you used psynergy in public, despite the fact we're asked you numerous times no too!"
"Dont worry, I understand fully this time, and I certainly won't do it again in the next 20 minute cutscene."
"I hope you don't do it again in the next cutscene!"
"See stupid kids? I DO know psynergy HAR HAR HAR!"
"Wow, turns out you really know psynergy!"
"Yeah, I do know psynergy."

Lol, of course, it wasn't literally like that in the game but people who played it know what I mean. Maybe Camelot does that for people who might've missed entries for the Encyclopedia? And the ending obviously was setting up for a sequel. So many unanswered questions and confusing things in the game that I wondered if Camelot did it on purpose or was just bad at storytelling. Even if DD was a prequel to a future game, it's still pretty bad.

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is a decent rpg with nice graphics(for the DS) but the story and character failed to deliver. Even Suikoden Tierkries can do better and they have like over 100 characters! The latter's story is also way more interesting, in my own opinion, of course. There were speculation(or maybe not) that DD's sequel would be on 3DS. Is that why this game felt rushed?

Random tidbits:

*Wow, I didn't know the japanese version of Valkyria Chronicles 2 had a vocal opening song(Our Story by CHEMISTRY). English version used the instrumental main theme song instead.


*Am envious of Japan's KH fans. Kh:BbSFM+ has some new MA bosses. Armored Eraqus and No Heart sure looks cool... Also secret episode?

*The subbed Angel Beats! Drama CD 3 is full of lulz. Maeda, you sly fox... The ending is just full of win.

fandom: golden sun, nds, fandom: angel beats!

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