Title: The chance of a flower
Author: rojo3131
Rating: G
Universe: ACD Holmes
Character(s): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Relationship/Pairing: Not yet
Summary: I suppose that it doesn't matter that the most intricate and complicated murders and kidnappings could be solved in seconds when I apply my almost infallible methods; when it comes to John Watson, I am an just as competent as any member of the Yard at a crime scene.
Content warning: nope
Author note: In response to amnesty prompt #2 (Timestamp) from JWP at watson woes comm, prequel to
prompt 6 from 2014 JWP...this one did not came so easily and initially was going to be a completely different fic but I'm just glad I wrote this.
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I suppose that it doesn't matter that the most intricate and complicated murders and kidnappings could be solved in seconds when I apply my almost infallible methods; when it comes to John Watson, I am an just as competent as any member of the Yard at a crime scene.
It took me some time to realize what had been the problem, but it's one thing to realize the problem and quite another to know how to fix it, so I went around the city in search of inspiration.
What was one suppose to give to another when he had been such an a complete imbecile?
I walked around the city for some time, until the night fell. I was light my pipe, when suddenly, a small form knocked me against the wall and went past me like a bullet.
"Sorry gov'!"
I was about to answer when I saw a flower by my feet; surely part of the parcel of the little boy who had ran past me.
Lifting the flower, I put it on my lapel and turned around, heading to the station and with a good idea growing in my head.