So I was chatting with Jamie (she who adopted Sirius and Squishy) a few minutes ago. She and her housemate (who has the same first name as
she_smiles_down) are totally adoring the kittens. They have collars on them to more easily tell them apart (Sirius has an olive green collar, and Squishy has a black & white collar). The collars used to have bells on them (to "better locate the cats") but of course *that* got old very quickly, LOL!
Also, "Squishy" has officially been renamed Maddox, in honor of the adopted Cambodian son of Angelina Jolie. Apparently, her Maddox has a wee bit of a mohawk too. Hee hee! Very cute, I approve!
Anyway, they are very much enjoying their recent kittening! Yay!
And I may have found an adoptive home in Winchester for Sophia, via the Lexington Freecycle list. I'll keep you updated as things progress. :)